Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Oh Yeah, Every Day Breaks A New Record!

Another day, another record 
President Donald J. Trump has frequently mentioned that he hopes Republican tax cuts will deliver an early Christmas gift for all Americans this December.
On at least one count, it looks like Christmas may have come even sooner than expected.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed yesterday at a new record high of 24,290—the 64th record-setting close for the stock market under President Trump. This latest surge came as the market climbed more than 200 points to open trading yesterday morning, buoyed by news from over the weekend that Republican senators had voted to pass sweeping tax-reform legislation.
It’s clear that American businesses are hungry for a 21st-century tax code built for growth. Learn more.
Bonus: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell explains “Tax reform: What’s in it for you.”
Fact vs. fiction on federal monuments 
President Trump visited Salt Lake City, Utah, yesterday to announce two major proclamations modifying the boundaries of the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments.
As usual, there’s plenty of misinformation making the rounds. Here are a few quick facts to correct the record:
  • Myth: No president has ever shrunk a monument. Fact: Monuments have been shrunk at least 18 times—by presidents on both sides of the aisle.
  • Myth: This move will sell or close national parks. Fact: No national parks are under review, and the Administration adamantly opposes wholesale transfer of any public lands.
  • Myth: The review was done behind closed doors. Fact: Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke personally held more than 60 meetings with local stakeholders, including numerous tribal groups. 
The media is exactly right on one point, though: This is a significant decision by the President worth reading about in full.

An important day you may have missed 
Amid the recent headlines on tax reform, a solemn occasion may have slipped by unnoticed by many last Friday. President Trump proclaimed December 1, 2017, asWorld AIDS Day, a moment to “honor those who have lost their lives to AIDS [and] celebrate the remarkable progress we have made in combatting this disease.”
Ambassador-at-Large Deborah Birx, M.D., highlighted how U.S. leadership has been the difference maker. When the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) “began in 2003, only 50,000 people were receiving lifesaving antiretroviral treatment (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa. Today, PEPFAR supports more than 13.3 million men, women, and children on ART.”
Read Amb. Birx’s full post: With American Leadership, We Are on the Brink of Controlling AIDS.

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the Utah State Capitol  | December 4, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks) 


This afternoon, President Trump will have lunch with Republican members of the Senate.
Later the President will lead a discussion with American business owners and their families in the Oval Office.


Tomorrow, the President will hold a meeting of his Cabinet at the White House.

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