Tuesday, December 5, 2017

We'll Let The Professor Answer THAT One . . .

Someone recently asked me on Facebook: "Why did Flynn lie to the FBI?"

Here's how professor Alan Dershowitz answers it:
"Why did Flynn lie? I think Flynn lied because he didn’t know it wasn’t material. There’s a very interesting article … about how the Obama administration may have used the Logan Act as a way of starting these investigations. Any rational person has to know that the Logan Act is a dead letter. If in fact they used the Logan Act to get search warrants or to do anything, that’s going to have a real problem, because the Logan Act cannot be a basis for anything. It’s a dead letter. It’s as if it’s not on the books.
"Meaning when you have a statute that hasn’t been enforced in 215 years, there’s a concept in the law called desuetude. That wipes the statute off the books. You cannot resurrect a dead statute."

And here's more from Professor Dershowitz:
"I think the mode of the investigation was misguided. We should have had a nonpartisan commission like 9/11 set up to examine in a nonpartisan way the Russian influence on American elections. It should have been open . . .
"Appointing a special counsel was a mistake, because it operates behind closed doors, and the result’s going to be either indictments or not indictments, and there wasn’t sufficient basis when it was done to appoint a special counsel. I’m opposed to that. My opposition is institutional, not personal."

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