Saturday, March 10, 2018

A Roundup Of This Week's 'Must' Reads . . .

Belleville News-Democrat 
“The parent company of a Granite City steel mill got the final boost it needed to rehire laid-off workers after President Donald Trump called for tariffs on imported steel,” the Belleville News-Democrat reports. "It was a shot in the arm that was badly needed and long overdue," said Dan Simmons, president of the United Steelworkers Local 1889.
Healthcare IT News
“White House Senior Advisor Jared Kushner on Tuesday announced that the Trump Administration has a plan for making access to health records and interoperability a priority,” Tom Sullivan reports in Healthcare IT News. Kushner says the government’s strategy includes unleashing data to spark innovations such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
On Thursday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross detailed the President’s plan to motivate Canada and Mexico to “make a fair arrangement with the United States” on trade. Secretary Ross explained that the United States is “deadly serious about solving the problem” in various industries, including steel and aluminum.
- ABC News
President Trump delivered remarks on Wednesday to the Latino Coalition Legislative Summit, where he took Democrats to task for their recent obstruction on fixing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. "We are trying to have a DACA victory for everybody," the President said. “And the Democrats are nowhere to be found.”
The Washington Post 
This week, Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin announced an overhaul of “senior leadership overseeing almost two dozen troubled hospitals across the country.” This action comes on the heels of a “searing investigation” into management failures at VA’s flagship medical center in Washington, D.C.
The Washington Post
“After ruling Gaza with an iron fist for a decade, Hamas has a pathetic track record,” Assistant to President Trump Jason Greenblatt wrote this week in The Washington Post. Greenblatt, who serves as the President’s special representative for international negotiations, says that America is “ready to work with any party truly interested in peace to reach this goal.”
The Washington Times
Attorney General Jeff Sessions outlined on Wednesday how California’s latest moves to thwart national immigration policies are “violating the Constitution and federal law.” The Department of Justice is challenging three California sanctuary city laws that “prohibit police from asking about immigration status" and "task California investigators with probing the detention of every illegal immigrant held in the state.”
The Wall Street Journal
In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, Joseph Semprevivo, president and CEO of Joseph’s Lite Cookies, writes that while a great deal of attention has been paid to how large corporations and their employees are benefitting from tax cuts, don’t count out small businesses. “The U.S. economy is roaring—and small businesses like mine have a lot to do with it,” he says.
USA Today
“The job market is hot, and could get hotter,” Paul Davidson reports for USA Today. Payroll company ADP released their February numbers this week, which exceeded expectations. “That could possibly signal that a key employment report from the government will reveal more signs of strong hiring later this week,” Davidson writes.

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