Saturday, March 10, 2018

One Way Out Of The Time-Changing Ritual . . .

Will turn your clocks ahead one hour tonight?
You have to. You have no choice.
That's because the government has been playing around with daylight savings time as long as we can remember.

So we're "springing ahead'' now and we're doing it a bit earlier than we did quite a few years ago.
Still, we've not quite been able to institute daylight savings time year-round because of complaints from school parents about dark early-morning bus rides and some complaints from farmers.
So, we'll be changing the time again in the fall.
This also means you have to reset many of those pesky digital clocks on various devices all over your house. And you'll lose an hour of sleep now only to gain it back again in the fall.
It's been estimated that this time-changing madness costs aa much as  $434 million per year. No wonder the state of Florida recently decided to keep Daylight Savings Time.
Hey, we love DST and wish we could have it all year round - which makes this ritual even more of a nuisance.
This is what happens when you let the federal government mess around with the time.
Anyway, here's one possible solution for this twice-a-year time madness: Let's set the clocks ahead (or behind) one-half-hour and leave them there. Do it once (let's say back one-half-hour this fall) and never change the clocks again.
It's a permanent compromise. Next spring, leave the clocks where they are.
The following fall, no change. 
That oughta do it, right?

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