Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Uncle Joe Explains It All: 'It's A Good Thing!'

It's a sort of cozy, fireside chat with Uncle Joe.
It seems straightforward and unrehearsed as Joe tries to catch up with the 21st century.
Two observations: His up-to-the-minute cobalt blue suit notwithstanding, Joe looks old in this video -- really old. Doubtless, they wanted this to be a natural, authentic looking take with soft, gentle lighting, But Joe Biden is an old man who's seen and been through an awful lot, and it shows.
Second, Donald Trump comes across as younger, sharper and crisper in such appearances. There's no "worn out" look about Donald Trump because he's a former TV star who's had the best people tending to his image and because he's got good instincts when it comes to such matters. What's more, Trump's delivery is nimble and usually flawless. His voice is strong and he doesn't hesitate when making his points.
You'll notice that the camera never moves in too close on Biden. Presumably, they feared making this look too slick. OK, but that compromises the intimacy of the piece.
Finally, when Uncle Joe says "it's a good thing" and repeats the phrase again, all we could think of is Martha Stewart.
Will this video put the matter to rest?
Maybe -- if there are no more objections raised by additional women.

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