Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Was He Really Trying To 'Cop A Feel' -- Or What?

We always knew it as copping a feel.
That's what generations before ours called it and what we learned to call it as we grew into adulthood.
It's a subtle touching or grazing of someone else's anatomy in the hopes of "felling them up" preferably at or near the sexual organs.
One has to wonder if this is what Joe Biden has been trying to do, or has been thinking about doing, or coming close to doing all this time.
Because it sure as hell looks like the coward's version of copping a feel -- sort of like: "Let me see what I can get away with . . . let me see how far I can go . . . "
When you think about it, it's really rather pathetic. And now the guy's in his 70s.  Yuck!
Now, we're not even sure whether "copping a feel" means anything at all to millennials. For them, we suppose, it's all about invading space or awkward or inappropriate behavior or however they choose to term it.
In movies of a certain era, we've all seen the scene where a guy stretches his arms over the back of a chair while yawning. And maybe touching the back of that chair meant grazing the shoulder of a gal he'd been longing to touch. And if the gal doesn't object, that's a big first step toward the ultimate goal.
But what was Biden's motive?
Remember, most if not all of this grazing, hugging, whispering, squeezing, breathing and touching was done not just in public but also under bright lights and in front of cameras. Which is to say it was done in the most obvious sort of public, mass-media environment. And it was documented.
Did Biden get a thrill out of that?
Did that make it more exciting for him?
Or did he feel the mass exposure would give him a strange set of cover? "Oh, that's not what he was doing. He would never do something like that in such an obviously public moment!"
And didn't it occur to Uncle Joe that the women in question (or little girls, as the case may be) would in some way indicate their displeasure through their body language and/or facial expressions?
In short, what was he thinking?
Your guess is as good as ours.

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