Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Fiendishly Feeding Ferocious Flames Of Fear!

It's becoming increasingly clear that the Democrats and their many, many friends in the media are actively fanning the flames of fear over the coronavirus. And they're being aided and abetted, as usual by the popular culture and academia.
Right now, it's a relentless drumbeat that has reached monstrous proportions.
Every word that is uttered by any member of President Trump's expert, reasonable and hugely responsible virus task force is magnified by the media and then stretched, twisted, turned and endlessly manipulated to stoke fears.
Meanwhile, lefties on social media are claiming that the President and his team are actively and willingly presiding over a scenario that will result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans.
Yet, it is these perverse political "progressives" who are cheering on a wished-for pandemic with the hope that it will bring them political opportunity where none has yet appeared. They want to press all of the psychology buttons to bring America to a veritable halt; to close schools, factories, offices and stores; to end all travel; to imprison us in our domiciles and to throw us, at the very least, into a recession.
Be sure of this: they seek nothing less the complete economic collapse as a way of assuring the end of the Trump era, once and for all.
They have no platform of their own other than demise and destruction.
They have no aim other than division and doom.
This is because they are utterly devoid of workable new ideas and solutions and their creaky, creepy candidate is barely able to remember who he is or who he's running against let alone why he's running or even what office he's running for. Just cogitate on that for a moment, okay?
This would be sad if it wasn't so mendacious, so menacing, so grotesque and so dangerous.
In the face of all this we urge everyone to stay aware,  stay alert, be on guard and carry on with the cheerful resolve to Make America Great.

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