Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Right Now, There's A Chance To 'Get Things Done'

“A divided Congress in a presidential election year may seem an unlikely setting for the first major drug-pricing reform in decades, but over the past year common goals and designs have emerged to set up a rare opportunity,” Joe Grogan, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, writes in The Wall Street Journal.

“President Trump has made lowering prescription-drug costs a priority and is willing to invest political capital to work with both parties . . . Congress should capitalize on this opportunity and work with the administration to reject special interests, reject partisan posturing, and provide relief to the American people.”

Click here to read more.
Vice President Mike Pence, head of the Administration’s Coronavirus Task Force, announced yesterday that private health insurers have agreed to waive co-pays for Coronavirus testing and treatment. “The vice president said testing will be available at LabCorp and Quest Diagnostic locations and 4 million additional test kits will be sent out by the end of the week,” Fred Lucas reports for The Daily Signal.
“Over the past five months, according to the Department of Homeland Security, roughly 14,000 more illegal aliens have been deported or returned than the number that has arrived at the Southwest border. Yes, you read that right — more illegal immigrants are being sent back across the border than are coming into the United States, a sort of ‘reverse surge,’” Jenny Beth Martin writes in The Washington Times.   
“President Trump presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom Tuesday to retired four-star Army Gen. Jack Keane at the White House, praising Keane as a ‘courageous warrior’ and a ‘fierce patriot.’” The President said that Gen. Keane is a source of great advice—“a visionary, a brilliant strategist, and an American hero,” Talia Kaplan reports for Fox News.

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