Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A Veritable Revolution In Health Care!

“In just weeks, Americans went from using telehealth—carrying out medical appointments over virtual connections rather than in person—in a relatively narrow set of circumstances to making it one of the most common ways to receive healthcare,” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar writes in USA Today.

With outdated regulatory hurdles cleared, the telehealth revolution will be “a key part of President Trump’s healthcare vision: an affordable, personalized system that puts you in control, provides peace of mind and treats you like a human being, not a number.”

Click here to read more.
“Spanning at least the past couple of decades, no president has done more for conservation than President Trump. The Great American Outdoors Act alone”—which the President just signed—“is one of the greatest conservation achievements in U.S. history,” U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Aurelia Skipwith writes in the Clarion Ledger.
“A former MSNBC producer wrote a scathing open letter explaining why she recently left the cable news network,” Joseph Wulfsohn reports. “Important facts or studies get buried,” Ariana Pekary says. “The model blocks diversity of thought and content because the networks have incentive to amplify fringe voices.” Read more in Fox News.
“The police chief in Seattle is urging elected officials to discourage anti-police demonstrations that have taken place over the last several weeks after protesters targeted her home over the weekend,” Dominick Mastrangelo reports. “Before this devolves into the new way of doing business by mob rule here in Seattle, and across the nation, elected officials like you must forcefully call for the end of these tactics,” Police Chief Carmen Best wrote to City Council. Read more in the Washington Examiner.

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