Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Taking Bold, Decisive Action For US!

President Trump took action earlier today to prevent Americans from being displaced by foreign workers and offshore labor using federal dollars.

The new executive order combats the misuse of H-1B visas, which too often have been exploited to replace qualified U.S. workers with lower-cost foreign ones. President Trump is directing all federal agencies to focus on hiring Americans for lucrative federal contracts, and it requires that only U.S. citizens be appointed to the government’s competitive service.

🎬 President Trump: No American worker should ever be replaced

The decision comes following news that the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)—created in 1933 as part of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal—planned to outsource 20 percent of its technology jobs to companies based in foreign countries. That action alone would’ve put more than 200 American jobs at risk.

Even worse, outsourcing hundreds of jobs during a global pandemic would be especially detrimental to these workers, their families, and their communities.

Then today, something remarkable happened. During the meeting to sign the executive order, President Trump was informed that TVA CEO Jeff Lyash had just called and “indicated a very strong willingness to reverse course” on the outsourcing plan.

Thanks to today’s order, other American workers will be protected going forward, too. “We're not just solving your problem,” Vice President Mike Pence told workers gathered at the White House today. “What the President's committing to today is to end the abuse of our worker visa program, once and for all.”

🎬 WATCH: President Trump reacts to call from TVA CEO

LEARN MORE: President Trump continues to put American workers first!

President Trump to police officers: ‘You’re not allowed to do your job. That’s the problem.’

President Trump met with leaders from the National Association of Police Organizations on Friday, where he told law enforcement officers that the Trump Administration stands behind them 100 percent.

Law enforcement has become a favorite target for both radical politicians and far-left protesters, who are calling to “defund” or “abolish” police departments nationwide.

“It’s common sense,” President Trump said, criticizing Democrat-run cities that are backing rioters over the police. “You’re not allowed to do your job. That’s the problem.”

🎬 Police officers have a champion in President Trump

This year alone, Chicago has seen more than 2,200 shootings. New York City has witnessed over 700. Meanwhile, murders in Philadelphia have risen by 32 percent, and Minneapolis has seen its homicide rate double.

These are just a few of the major cities that have seen violence skyrocket over the past few months as Democrat leaders look to appease rioters by scaling back policing.

“In 10 minutes you could’ve stopped it,” President Trump told law enforcement leaders, referring to the recent violence in New York City. “And you would’ve saved a lot of lives, and a lot of anger, and a lot of hardship.”

🎬 President Trump: “I actually think they’re afraid of these people”

READThe President’s full remarks to law enforcement leaders

Photo of the Day

President Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence, signs an Executive Order on Hiring American | August 3, 2020

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