Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Education, Illegal Immigrants, WWII, Bullying, Mobs

“At the end of the day, we want everyone to have the choices to make the best decision for them. Some may choose to learn at home. Some may choose to return to their school. Some may choose to do a combination of both. Each of you needs to be able to choose what’s best for your own families,” Education Secretary Betsy DeVos writes in The Detroit News.

“President Donald Trump and I are fighting every day for more options for every student and every family this fall.”

Click here to read more.
“President Trump will visit Wilmington [North Carolina] on Wednesday to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the end of World War II, and declare Wilmington as the First World War II Heritage City.” In 2019, President Trump signed legislation to designate at least one city each year as a World War II Heritage City, WWAY News reports.
“The Los Angeles County sheriff’s new policy banning his department from turning over any illegal immigrant criminals to ICE, no matter how serious the crimes, will result in innocent people—often migrants themselves—being killed or raped,” according to a senior DHS official. Read more from Stephen Dinan in The Washington Times.
“Each generation deals with its own manifestations of age-old mob frenzies, bullying and public shaming. Salem, Mass., had its witch trials in the 1690s. The 1950s endured its McCarthyism. And we now are enduring our ‘cancel culture.’ But 21st-century public shaming reaches not thousands but tens of millions,” Victor Davis Hanson writes in The Hill.

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