Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Mindlessness Of The Pelosi Mane Mess

Queen Nancy (aka SanFranNan, aka Marie Antoinette Pelosi)  now blames the salon owner, an independent businessman, for her utterly dumb and revealing hair salon incident. In fact, she has the temerity to claim that she was "set up" by the owner of her neighborhood establishment called eSalon.
Oh, no . . . It could NEVER be Queen Nancy's fault. Well, the "set up" claim just gave the story legs -- yet another gift to the Trump campaign.
Think about how DUMB Pelosi was. She could have easily afforded to have a professional come to her home and do her hair privately. But she acted stupidly and selfishly and made her own Royal Mess.
And think about this: Do you really want a Speaker of the House who's theoretically so clueless and so gullible that she could be hoodwinked and "set up" by a hairdresser? If true, what would that say about Marie Antoinette Pelosi, huh?
Our advice? Once again, this was no one's fault but yours! Fess up, Nancy. And then, pack it in!

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