Thursday, October 8, 2020

Bigoted Attacks On Barrett Will Backfire, And Moe!

“I’ve seen this before, and it’s not pretty. Critics of Judge Amy Coney Barrett are framing their skepticism with a noble-sounding pretext: Judges shouldn’t bring their personal views into the courtroom. But their real worry is far more chilling. To put it bluntly, America’s cultural elites aren’t sure that a faithful Christian can be entrusted with the law,” Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Brian Hagedorn writes in The Wall Street Journal.
“Judge Barrett’s career demonstrates that you can be a person of faith and a faithful judge. As Washington debates her nomination, my plea is this: Judge her on her merits, not on her faith. Let’s not impose a religious test for public office.”
Click here to read more.
“Help is on the way. Wednesday night, Gov. John Bel Edwards [D-LA] announced that President Trump has approved his request for a federal emergency declaration in advance of Hurricane Delta, which is forecast to make landfall along Louisiana’s coastline.” Governor Edwards thanked President Trump for taking “quick action on approving my request for a federal emergency declaration.” Read more at KTBS
“Schools play a critical role in ensuring vulnerable children receive needed care. That is why President Donald Trump has emphasized the importance of opening schools using safe, common-sense measures. Keeping children out of school can result in long-lasting and unforeseen harm, particularly in disadvantaged communities,” writes Seema Verma, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, in Newsweek
“Shootings have spiked 127% in New York City this year” and “city officials say liberal pushes to ‘defund the police’ have hindered the NYPD's ability to keep the city safe,” Vandana Rambaran reports. “Defunding the police is perhaps the worst idea in NYC government history,” Democrat Councilman Robert Holden said. “We can’t legislate using fashionable slogans that fit on protest signs.” Read more in Fox News.

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