Thursday, October 8, 2020

Poll Shows Trump Up In Key Florida Race!

A new InsiderAdvantage/Matt Towery, Sr., poll released today shows Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by three points among likely voters in Florida.

The results of the question “If the election were held today, who would you vote for?”:

Trump: 46%

Biden: 43%

Jergensen: 1%

Undecided/No Opinion: 10%

Towery, through InsiderAdvantage, has  polled in past years for many print and broadcast media groups ranging from Politico and  Newmax to Fox TV affiliates around the country. He is known for having predicted on Fox affiliates, just prior to the November 2016 election, that the polls were not detecting the strength of Donald Trump. Towery went on to predict to viewers a win for Trump both in major battleground states and his election to the presidency. He also showed Barack Obama winning battleground states in 2008.

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