Friday, October 9, 2020

C'mon Now, You Don't Wanna Miss These Stories!

Thousands of Health Experts Sign Declaration Calling for End to Lockdown, Warn of ‘Irreparable Damage’
-The Daily Wire
“Thousands of medical and public health experts have signed on to a declaration calling for an end to lockdown policies in favor of a more targeted approach to combatting the coronavirus pandemic,” Tim Pearce writes. “As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies,” the declaration states. 
Return Respect to Nomination Process
-Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
“We should not allow the toxic politics of recent Supreme Court nominations to turn this nomination into a partisan circus. Judge Barrett and our country deserve a fair and respectful hearing,” Arkansas Lt. Governor Tim Griffin writes. “In a less polarized time, a nominee as eminently qualified as Judge Barrett would receive a nearly unanimous vote for confirmation.” 
Schools Aren’t Super-Spreaders
-The Atlantic
Across the United States, “fear and bad press slowed down or canceled school reopenings,” Brown University economist Emily Oster writes. “It’s now October. We are starting to get an evidence-based picture of how school reopenings and remote learning are going . . . Schools do not, in fact, appear to be a major spreader of COVID-19.” 
In Afghanistan, As We Enter Our 20th Year, It's Time to Come Home
-Fox News
“As someone who volunteered for service, fought in Afghanistan, and watched good friends give their lives for the mission there, it’s difficult to accept that 19 years hasn’t been enough. As President Donald Trump signaled on Twitter on Wednesday American involvement in the Afghan conflict should end, our service members should come back to their families, and our country should move forward,” Nate Anderson writes. 
National Association of Scholars Calls for Revoking the 1619 Project Pulitzer Prize
-The Federalist
“An impressive array of academics associated with the National Association of Scholars signed a letter to the Pulitzer Prize Board calling for it to revoke the prize it ceremoniously awarded to Nikole Hannah-Jones this year for her lead essay in The New York Times’ deeply troubled and historically challenged 1619 Project,” Glenn Stanton writes. “Hannah-Jones and the Times secretly deleted the most fundamental claim of her lead essay for the project: that slavery was the central reason for our nation’s founding.”

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