Friday, October 9, 2020

Who Spoke More, Pence Or Harris? The Answer . . .

Some people are saying that Mike Pence went overtime, talked over Kamala Harris and robbed her of time during the debate.

Well, guess what? It's NOT TRUE!

According to CNN: Mike Pence spoke for 36.27 minutes and Kamala Harris spoke for . . . wait for it . . . 36.24 minutes. 

A difference of three seconds! 

Again, from CNN: "At the end of tonight’s debate, Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris ended up with nearly the same amount of speaking time, differing by just a few seconds."

Susan Page, the moderator was mostly able to keep control of things (even though her questions seemed to favor Harris) and each candidate was able to make his/her points.

In fact, had Mike Pence not fought for every second, It's doubtful the numbers would have been so even. So, don't buy the nonsense that's being peddled by the mainstream media that Harris was a mistime of sexism and racism and was deprived of time. It's not true. Or, as Pence said: "You are entitled to your own opinion; you're not entitled to your own facts."

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