Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Live Blog: Vice Presidential Debate - Part 1

Susan Page, the moderator, begins with a softball question to Harris that contains an implicit criticism of the Trump administration. And Harris takes off with it. She's asked what Bien/Harris would do differently about the COVID pandemic but she uses it to bash Trump and Pence.

Pence looks pale and somewhat worried. Let's see how he does.

Now, Page turns to Pence and she hits Trump-Pence hard. Pence acts quickly and cites Trump's decision to shut down travel from China and Europe. Pence is polite -- bu now says Biden and Harris have really plagiarized the President's COVID plan.

Harris "How calm were you when you didn't know where you would get your next roll of toilet paper?"

Pence:"The American people deserve credit for fighting this virus!"

Page continues to throw tough, accusatory questions at Pence. She's trying to put him on the defensive.

The fact that COVID is taking up this much of the debate right from the start is not good for the GOP ticket.

Harris: "If the doctors and scientists tell me to take the vaccine, I'll be the first in line to take it. If Donald Trump tell me to take it, I won't take it." Pence accuses her of undermining confidence in a vaccine. "Stop playing politics with people's lives." And now he hits her with the swine flue epidemic and the incompetence of the Obama-Biden administration during that period. Here, Pence really scores.

Harris appears as a bit smug while Pence is talking and even congratulating her on being chosen as Biden's running mate. OK, so Harris now explains" when we say somebody's in debt, it means you owe someone money." How dumb does she think this audience is?

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