Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Live Blog: Vice Presidential Debate - Part 2

Susan Page is doing a much, much better job of keeping order in this debate than Chris Wallace did in the last one. It just shows how bad Wallace was. BUT Page continues to throw the toughest questions at Pence -- each question contains a hardly-veiled accusation.

Harris shakes her head "no" and almost seems to e laughing while Pence virtually eviscerates the points she tries to make. He's remarkably effective in this segment. And he goes after Harris on Biden's plan to eliminate Trump's tax cuts and ban fracking. Harris holds her own on the rebuttal  and now she says of Trump and Pence (on health care)  that, if you're ill, "they're coming for you." Pence to Harris: "You're entitled to your own opinion; you're not entitled to your own facts."

Again we must say this: Harris' smirk is NOT helping her. She appears condescending and dismissive.

Harris is having a hard time wiggling away from the Green New Deal, Biden tax increases, ban on fracking, abolishing fossil fuel, the Paris climate accords, etc. And Pence is hitting her on this and advancing the Trump agenda. 

Harris is on the defensive now. Very calmly, deliberately, consistently and factually, Pence is dominating this debate and advancing the Trump record and Trump agenda tonight.

One of Harris' problems: She often talks too fast and sometimes her words flow together. She is, however, very telegenic. Sometimes she stumbles over words a bit. This doesn't happen with Pence. He's immensely articulate and he enunciates in a clear, cogent midwestern manner.

Pence continues to dominate the debate.

Harris: "Joe Biden is responsible for saving America's auto industry and you [Pence] voted against it."

Now Pence hits Harris on voting against the USMCA - the new trade agreement. This guy is a feisty debater. He's the Real Deal. But he does it all politely -- clearly, slowly, in a soft voice. Reaganesque!

Pence continues to steal extra time with each response. 

Now Harris says that Trump's policy toward China has resulted in "the loss of American lives" Really? How? Harris is in trouble, so now she tries to turn the discussion back to COVID. 

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