Saturday, October 3, 2020

Murphy Ignores Damning Report On State Agency


In the wake of a damning report by the State Committee of Investigation regarding the conduct of New Jersey’s Schools Development Authority, and Governor Murphy’s subsequent insistence that he “hasn’t read” that report, gubernatorial candidate, CPA, and small businessman Jack Ciattarelli issued the following statement:  

“This past week, the State Committee of Investigations issued a scathing report, stating that the CEO of a $2 billion taxpayer funded agency was ‘woefully inexperienced’ and that there was ‘outright malfeasance’ at the agency.

Apparently, that CEO’s only qualifications were that she was Vice-Chair of the State Democratic Party and a personal friend of Phil Murphy when he appointed her.

Governor Murphy said yesterday that he hasn’t had time to read the report because he’s too busy ‘saving lives.’ Given the Governor's pattern of deception, who is he kidding? This is insulting. By his own admission, the Governor has, as Chair of the Democratic Governors Association (DGA), spent several hours each week throughout the COVID crisis raising tens of millions of dollars for Democratic candidates outside of NJ . He also served as co-chair of the Democratic Convention in August. And he apparently had plenty of time to begin his own re-election campaign just this past week. How many lives were lost while he did all that?

Cut the crap, Governor. Do your job. If the Governor is telling the truth about how truly busy he is, then, for the good of the state, he should step down as Chair of the DGA. I’m calling on him to resign that position immediately.”

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