Monday, October 5, 2020

Vote By Mail In NJ A Mess! Murphy Ignores It!

 In response to news that 200 mail-in ballots were found next to a dumpster this weekend, Senator Kristin Corrado and Senator Michael Testa urged Governor Phil Murphy to acknowledge the recurring problems with vote-by-mail ballots and to allow New Jerseyans to vote securely in person on voting machines this November.

In response to news that 200 mail-in ballots were found next to a dumpster, Sens. Kristin Corrado and Michael Testa urged Gov. Phil Murphy to acknowledge the recurring problems with VBM ballots. (

“How many examples do we need of improper handling of ballots before the governor will admit there’s a problem and take action?” asked Corrado (R-40). “In this case, had the dumped mail not been reported, there’s a good chance more than 200 voters would not have received their ballots for the upcoming presidential election. This latest issue is simply more proof that voters deserve the opportunity to vote securely on a machine at their regular polling place on Election Day.”

“As if the many glaring failures during the primary election were not enough, we have yet another example of how the mail-in ballot process can and surely will disenfranchise voters,” said Testa (R-1). “Whether it’s intentional or not, it’s clear that many ballots are not reaching registered voters due to a multitude of issues. Governor Murphy can resolve the problems with mail-in ballots today by allowing our citizens to vote as how they always have – in person, in a voting booth.”

Corrado has denounced Gov. Murphy’s mandate – which forces New Jerseyans to vote by mail – after numerous cases of errors, fraud, and abuse have been reported. She has written three times to New Jersey Secretary of State Tahesha Way insisting on explanations as to why more than 6,500 ballots were incorrectly postmarked, in addition to requesting that the election process be made fully transparent while ensuring both County Clerks and the Board of Elections can deliver fair and accurate election results.

In a recent interview, Secretary Way highlighted the importance of every voter having a plan to read the instructions, fill out, and sign and seal their ballot.

“While it’s nice to tell voters to make a game plan, I still await a response from the Secretary of State detailing her plan to ensure the integrity of our election process,” added Corrado. “There are many concerns that must be addressed, including hundreds of ballots in a dumpster, deceased voters receiving ballots, and Republican towns being denied access to secure ballot drop boxes. It’s deeply concerning that we’re already seeing so many preventable problems with mail-in ballots. This doesn’t instill confidence in voters that their ballots will count.”

Testa has emphasized the need to ensure New Jerseyans are allowed to vote in-person at their local polling places in November’s general election. Prior to the 2020 primary election, Testa had called upon the U.S. Attorney for New Jersey to monitor this election to prevent voter fraud and ballot tampering. He outlined the numerous cases of voter fraud in New Jersey.

“As we continue to see story after story detailing how New Jersey’s flawed vote-by-mail process continues to be wrought with errors, there’s absolutely zero excuse to not let voters cast their ballots in-person through the proven process that everybody trusts,” added Testa. “New Jerseyans should be allowed to vote in person. Period. Full Stop.”

Examples of documented voter fraud, election tampering, and lost, destroyed, or uncounted mail-in ballots in New Jersey include:

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