Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Art Gallagher Moves On As MMM Transitions

Following is the announcement of a Big Transition for one of our favorite blogs, New Jersey's own More Monmouth Musings which catalogued the machinations of central Jersey politics (and beyond!) under the guidance of our esteemed colleague Art Gallagher.

Art's insight, devotion to the conservative cause, resourcefulness and uncanny ability to detect the pulse of all things NJ GOP at any given time will be sorely missed. Most recently, we were honored to join Art on Save Jersey's weekly facebook video along with the inimitable Matt Rooney. Art was a pioneering blogger -- one of the people who paved the way for the rest of us. If you didn't learn something from him over the past 15 years, it's your loss.

We wish Art the best in his new endeavors and look forward to More Monmouth Musing's transition under its new owners.

Art Gallagher

By Art Gallagher

After more than 15 years of providing Monmouth County focused fair and biased news and commentary, I have been called to devote my talents in a different direction. MoreMonmouthMusings has been sold. The new owners will take over early next month.

I’ll leave it to the new owners to introduce themselves. News of my new vocation will be announced, or not, elsewhere.

My gratitude for the relationships, experiences and opportunities this endeavor has provided is profound and will be expressed privately. Thank you to the many readers, commenters, sources, friends, advertisers, colleagues and advisers.

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