Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Support For Biden, Policies In Negative Territory

Support for Joe Biden and his policies has slipped into serious negative territory.

Not that Biden ever had much of a mandate to begin with. In the Rasmussen Poll (the most accurate poll in predicting national election outcomes) Biden has had a hard time getting into majority territory. Which makes you wonder how the hell he "won" the election in the first place. But that's a whole 'nother subject, so let's focus on the figures for now.

Rasmussen's daily Presidential Tracking Poll for today says that only 48% of voters approve of Biden’s job performance while fifty percent (50%) disapprove.

But when you dig into the figures, it gets worse -- much worse! Because these  figures include 31% who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing but 41% who strongly disapprove. This gives Biden a presidential approval index rating of minus 10. Not good!

And one of the big problems for Biden is the crisis at the border that he created. Yeah, we did say CRISIS. Because while the White House has spent weeks denying that the surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border should be called a “crisis,” two-thirds of voters say it is a crisis.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 67% of Likely U.S. Voters say the current situation with migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border is a crisis. Twenty-three percent (23%) say it’s not a crisis and 10% are not sure. And voters blame Biden for the crisis.

As if all of this were not enough, Rasmussen finds that its immigration index says voters are not hopeful about border security and they want tighter controls at the border -- not the leniency they're getting now. The index has fallen to 85.1, down from 86.0 two weeks earlier. This is the lowest it’s been since the Immigration Index began in December 2019, and the third consecutive survey in which the index has reached a new record low. The immigration index has been under the baseline in nine consecutive surveys. The index has fallen by 20 points, indicating voters are looking for tighter immigration control from Biden’s administration.

The index is based on a series of questions designed to determine whether voters are moving toward an immigration system that encourages more immigration to the United States or one that reduces the level of immigration here. 

A weekly finding moving up over 100 indicates growing support for a more expansive immigration system. A weekly index number falling below 100 indicates increased support for a more restrictive immigration system.


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