Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Philly Government Promoting Antisemitism?

The Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Zionist Organization of America has released a special report documenting and detailing a campaign that involves Philadelphia government and some of its agencies to incite Jew-hatred (antisemitism), delegitimize Jewish heritage and history, and falsely accuse Israel – the nation state of the Jewish People – of atrocities. Elected officials and the city’s Free Library of Philadelphia aggressively promote a Palestinian-Arab movement that has as its goal the destruction of Israel: the world’s largest Jewish community. Meanwhile, the School District of Philadelphia associates with organizations that have a record of promoting and/or supporting Jew-hatred and of distorting the facts about Israel and those committed to destroying Israel.

The 27-page report cites numerous examples of manifestations of Jew-hatred, distortions of historical and contemporary situations, relationships that city agencies have with anti-Jewish/anti-Zionist/anti-Israel entities, and the highlighting of anti-Jewish and works by city agencies. It includes many screen shots and photos that capture examples of items and situations described in the report. There is also a two-page executive summary.

The report details an official city proclamation and ceremony that is associated with an annual United Nations anti-Jewish event; false claims against the Jewish state by elected officials; Library promotion of anti-Jewish books and anti-Jewish authors, as well as anti-Jewish comments by Library staff; relationships between the School District of Philadelphia and organizations that have literally wiped Israel off of its map, that promote false accusations against the Jewish state, and that promote the anti-Jewish Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement; and false claims by city agencies that there today exists a country called “Palestine.”

The attacks against the Jewish state and the Jewish People are each part of a propaganda campaign that presents unbalanced information; omits important context and background; and includes a litany of distortions and half-truths -- that together promote a false paradigm that intentionally instills resentment of Jews and hatred of Jews. This comes amid a climate of attacks against Jewish individuals and institutions at levels not seen in America in decades.

The report also includes historical facts and factual explanations of contemporary situations as well as suggestions to halt Jew-hatred and anti-Jewish incitement, and remedies for those who have been misinformed. There is also a call for vigilance and education within the Jewish community.

Founded in 1897, ZOA is America’s oldest pro-Israel organization. ZOA concentrates on education and advocacy. The Greater Philadelphia Chapter is one of a number of ZOA chapters throughout the nation.

For a copy of the report and/or the summary, please email Greater Philadelphia ZOA at office@zoaphilly.org or call us at 610-660-9466.

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