Monday, March 14, 2022

Remembering A Little Known Moment In US History


On March 14, 1891, a vigilante mob in NewOrleans shot and lynched 11 innocent Italian Americans for their alleged role in the murder of city police chief David Hennessy after some of them had been acquitted at trial.
It was one of the largest single mass lynchings in American history.
On this Anniversary of this darkest chapter in ItalianAmerican history, let us remember those who lost their lives that day.
Antonio Bagnetto, fruit peddler: Tried and acquitted.
James Caruso, stevedore: Not tried.
Loreto Comitis, tinsmith: Not tried.
Rocco Geraci, stevedore: Not tried.
Joseph Macheca, fruit importer and Democratic Party political boss: Tried and acquitted.
Antonio Marchesi, fruit peddler: Tried and acquitted.
Pietro Monasterio, cobbler: Mistrial.
Emmanuele Polizzi, street vendor: Mistrial.
Frank Romero, ward politician: Not tried.
Antonio Scaffidi, fruit peddler: Mistrial.
Charles Traina, rice plantation laborer: Not tried.
Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.

H/T: National Italian American Foundation

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