Thursday, July 14, 2022

INFLATION? It's On Biden -- AND Gottheimer!


Republican Congressional Candidate Frank Pallotta (N.J.-05) issued the following statement on June’s record-high 9.1 percent inflation numbers, released by President Biden’s Bureau of Labor Statistics:
“When it comes down to brass tacks, the American people expect their political leaders to make it as inexpensive as possible to live and work in the United States. Congressman Josh Gottheimer and Democratic leaders in Washington cannot even live up to that simple proposition.
Yesterday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report that inflation reached a more than 40-year high of 9.1 percent in June, a number that crushes New Jersey families and small businesses — knocking us down after two years of irresponsible Covid and economic policies.
As estimated by the Ranking Member of the Congressional Joint Economic Committee, New Jersey’s status is even worse. With overall price increases since January 2021 at 11.4 percent and New Jersey families on average paying $8,436 per year more than before Biden took office for everyday needs, the weight of inflation is real and extreme.
Rather than abating — as Rep. Gottheimer and his Democratic friends were hoping — inflation is here to stay, and rising every month. Democrats’ response has continually been to spend more money, raise taxes, and blame everyone but themselves.
Well, voters know who to blame. Inflation is not ‘transitory’ or a ‘rich people problem,’ like Rep. Gottheimer and the White House like to claim. It is directly because of reckless, unchecked policies in Washington that we face the economic peril that we do today.
It’s time for a change.”

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