Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Immediate Threat To Catholic Education . . .

From the Cardinal Newman Society:

Yesterday’s Washington Examiner article, “Education culture wars come for ‘woke’ Catholic schools,” extensively quotes Cardinal Newman Society President Patrick Reilly and Bishop Thomas Daly, chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Education, about the urgency of renewing faithful Catholic education.

Bishop Daly laments that many Catholic schools and colleges “have, quite frankly, gone ‘woke’” and “are unfaithful to Christ’s mission that He’s entrusted to the Church.” These Catholic schools have created a sort of "parallel church," and they “have morphed into a kind of nice private school with some Christian trappings.” He adds, “…they need to be called out because they’re no longer really Catholic schools.”

For nearly three decades, The Cardinal Newman Society has worked to promote faithful Catholic education and defend against false ideologies and threats to educators’ religious freedom.

“The Cardinal Newman Society has been very concerned about the infiltration of critical race theory, gender identity, and cancel culture in Catholic schools," Reilly told the Examiner. The Society’s magazine, Our Catholic Mission, equips Catholic bishops, diocesan superintendents, and school and college leaders with resources and tools to uphold the all-important mission of a faithful Catholic education.

This effort is urgently needed today. “Catholic schools, now more than ever, are especially needed because there’s so much confusion, and so much dishonesty lies in the culture,” Daly added. “We need our Catholic schools, but they have to be Catholic schools that are faithful.”

If you or someone you know is a leader in Catholic education but is not receiving Our Catholic Mission, please direct them to

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