Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Big Liberal Media Won't Report THESE Stories!

 From our friends at

STUDY: INCREASED PRO-ABORTION VIOLENCE  CatholicVote has tracked a massive uptick in violence against pregnancy care centers, with 11 acts of vandalism in July and 31 attacks – including firebombing – in June alone. Altogether, there have been 62 pro-abortion attacks on pregnancy resource centers since early May, CatholicVote found. These attacks have taken place in 26 states. In 2021, by comparison, there was only one such attack reported in the entire year.  READ

PRO-LIFE TEEN ASSAULTED IN KANSAS  A Kansas woman allegedly attacked a teenage pro-life canvasser when the student knocked on her door Sunday. Grace Hartsock of Students for Life was going door-to-door asking Kansans to vote “yes” on the Love Them Both Amendment when a woman shoved Hartsock in the chest and struck her head repeatedly with closed fists, Students for Life reported. The woman also shouted at Hartsock, "I hope you get raped!”  READ  

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