Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Testa: If They Can Do This To Trump, Who's Next?

A special message from New Jersey State Senator Mike Testa:

I am outraged by the raid on President Trump’s property at Mar-A-Lago.

Never before have we seen the home of a former President breached in this manner. Even the “experts” on both sides of the aisle agree, a raid on someone’s home, let alone a former president and political foe, should be an absolute last resort.

For too long, we've seen the unjustifiable use of resources against individuals like Roger Stone, while the mountains of evidence against Hunter Biden go ignored. The "Big Guy" may be incoherent, but evidently he may be drunk with power.

If the radical Biden led Justice Department is able to continuously weaponize a government agency to target their political opponent, why would they stop there? It’s unconscionable.

The real answer? We may all be next. We no longer need to shop at Banana Republic, because we now live there.

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