Tuesday, August 9, 2022

What To Make Of What Happened . . .

How to even begin to explain what happened yesterday?

It's unprecedented. It's scary. And it leaves one with a chilling sense that something's gone terribly amiss -- that now, our nation may have gone truly off the rails. Without a doubt, this brings about a national anxiety and troubled concern about today, tomorrow and all the days that follow.

This much seems clear: we're governed by an enfeebled but nonetheless bitter and vindictive old scourge. Also, the most powerful agencies of law and order -- of justice -- in our nation now seem to be woefully and dangerously politicized. Obviously, this now appears to be an ongoing threat to just about everyone's security and freedom -- a threat, indeed, to our most basic rights. This is serious -- very serious!

Of course, everything is political. And, in purely political terms this signals that the Left (aka the Democrat Party) knows it's on the ropes. They know they're facing a possible wipeout in the November elections. They also know they need a Major Game Changer -- something big that will shake things up. On top of this, they are haunted by Donald Trump and his following. They know he still commands major numbers politically and major clout and this scares the hell out of them. It keeps them up at nights. So, in their mind (and even in the minds of some establishment Republicans) he must be destroyed. It's not enough for him to be denied office via an election. No, they must make it so he can never hold office or wield any kind of power ever again. This is what appears to be at play here. And it's political persecution -- something that is anathema to our national conscience.

Now, America, we've drifted into perilous, uncharted waters. We've crossed a critical line here. One can only think that our enemies must be gleeful. The only thing that can save us now is a knowledgeable, diligent, alert, alarmed and activated citizenry -- a citizenry that remembers where law ends, tyranny begins; a citizenry that is determined to vanquish tyranny!

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