Thursday, September 15, 2022

Are YOU A Liberal? Take This Quick Test!

You may as well find out . . . 

If you favor added funds for public education and oppose school choice but actually send your own kids to private school, then you may be a liberal.

If you embrace class warfare and badmouth Wall Street "fat cats" while secretly checking the growth of your investment portfolio daily, then you may be a liberal.

If you're all for windmill-produced energy but don't want those monstrosities anywhere near your house, you may be a liberal.

If you say you're a women's libber but you still stand by Hillary Clinton for standing by her man, you may be a liberal.

If you espouse support for the labor movement but haven't bought or leased an American-made car in decades, then you may be a liberal.

If you think Majorie Taylor Greene's a dingbat but excuse Nancy Pelosi even when she says things like "we have to pass the bill in order to find out what's in it," then you may be a liberal.

If you say Romney's a swell guy (after he bashed Trump) but didn't vote for him then and wouldn't vote for him now, then you may be a liberal.

If you hate Tucker Carlson even though you've never actually watched  his program, you may be a liberal.

If you preach tolerance and understanding but are among the first to dismiss the views of anyone who watches Newsmax or reads the New York Post, you may be a liberal.

If you say you love babies but still voted for a candidate who favors abortion on demand and infanticide, you may be a liberal.

If you faithfully read the New York Times but never read the Wall Street Journal, you may be a liberal.

If you favor keeping the drinking age at 21 but think it's OK for fifteen-year-olds to undergo gender reassignment then you may be a liberal.

If you say you support government funding of the arts but do not regularly go to museums or attend live theater, you may be a liberal.

If you call yourself "spiritual" but you rarely go to church, synagogue or other religious services, you may be a liberal.

If you like Obamacare but are inquiring as to whether or not your doctor will be providing concierge services, then you may be a liberal.

If you're all for clean energy but you think solar panels look tacky and/or you wouldn't dare part with your gas-guzzling Range Rover, you may be a liberal.

If you tend to agree with Barack and Oprah on race relations but you still live in an all-white neighborhood, you may be a liberal.

If you hate corporate bigwigs but were relieved when Jeff Bezos (net worth $25.2 billion) bought the Washington Post, you may be a liberal.

If you're all for the working person but wouldn't be caught dead having a shot and a beer with one, you may be a liberal.

If you dislike aristocracies but you love Downton Abbey, you may be a liberal.

If you hate Walmart but you rush to buy the latest Apple products made in sweatshops in China, you may be a liberal.

We could go on.

But we think that by now you probably get the idea, yes? 

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