Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Pallotta Grabs Major Endorsement In Congress Bid

An announcement from former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik:

I am proud to endorse Frank Pallotta for United States Congress in New Jersey’s Fifth District. Frank is a successful businessman, with the knowledge and experience to provide solutions to the very real struggles we currently face in the wake of destructive Democrat policies. Frank has always been a strong supporter of law enforcement and protecting the residents of New Jersey.
When I had the honor to serve as the 40th Commissioner of the New York Police Department, including on 9/11, I got to see real courage in action, and Frank Pallotta is exactly the kind of leader we need in Congress. Josh Gottheimer has caved to radical Democrat leadership again and again, leaving Jersey less safe and less secure. He put out press releases about going to Joe Biden’s open border that were patently untrue, while Border Patrol nabbed a staggering 98 watch-listed terrorists there this year, five times the number that carried out the World Trade Center attacks that killed so many of my brave law enforcement officers. Frank Pallotta will stand with New Jersey’s police.

Josh Gottheimer and his fellow Democrats have undermined law enforcement year after year. To protect New Jersey and the America we love, I humbly ask those in New Jersey’s Fifth Congressional District to elect businessman, reformer and outsider, Frank Pallotta to defeat career bureaucrat Josh Gottheimer. 

For more on Frank Pallotta, please visit

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