Wednesday, September 6, 2023

A Very Special Message From Catholic Vote!


Our faith and families are under attack.

And the federal government has been mobilized against Catholics of good faith.

What can we do?

Last year, we offered up these intentions – and over 35,000 of YOU from around the world joined in a St. Michael Novena. That’s because we know, and you know, that this is bigger than a political fight. This is, at root, a spiritual war.

And now, we are at it again with the 2nd Annual St. Michael Novena to Defend Catholics in America. We are joining in prayer and fasting against the demonic forces behind the rise in anti-Catholic and anti-family persecution, especially from our federal government. 

Once again, from September 20 to 29, we will beg St. Michael the Archangel to intercede for us at this critical moment in our history.

Join us!

All those graces we prayed for last year? They bore great fruit.

  • The FBI’s backdoor spying on Catholic parishes was EXPOSED, and we continue to hold them accountable.
  • Mark Houck – the pro-life Catholic dad arrested at gunpoint by the FBI – was acquitted of all charges.
  • The Dodgers were called out for their profane decision to honor the anti-Catholic hate group, so-called “Sisters” of Perpetual Indulgence.
  • Also in June … the Supreme Court handed down perhaps the most important win for religious freedom in over a decade in the 303 Creative case.

That’s what putting prayer first does. And that’s why we’re returning for a second annual novena.

Get the prayers now!

Visit CatholicVote’s Novena page now to sign up for daily reminders throughout the nine days of our prayer, and for access to the prayers we will offer up together.

Let’s cover this nation in prayer as never before.


Join me today!


Brian Birch, President, Catholic Vote

P.S. Share the website to spread the word about the novena to your friends, family, and coworkers! You can also forward this email to your pastor and parish asking them to join in. 


Our Lord said that some evils can only be driven out by prayer and fasting. Let’s get on that!



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