Saturday, November 25, 2023

When Imaginations Soared Without 'Safe Spaces'

No, we didn't have modular playgrounds.
And, more often than not, the ground wasn't cushioned.  It was cement.
We called this contraption "monkey bars" and that was probably politically incorrect but, who cares?
Monkey bars didn't have wheels to spin, bells to ring, towers to peer out of or panels to hide behind. It was just a bunch of thin, hard metal bars. In the winter those bars were icy cold. In the summer they were sun baked and hot to the touch. But we played on them year round and we made them what we imagined them to be on any given day or at any given moment. The bars could be a building or a tunnel or a bridge or a mountain or a trapeze. 
We improvised.
We took chances.
Nothing was safety tested.
And it was all great fun!


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