Saturday, November 25, 2023

Biden Job Approval At All Time Low!

 From the American Research Group:

A total of 37% of Americans say they approve of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president and 57% say they disapprove of the way Biden is handling his job according to the latest survey from the American Research Group. In October, 38% approved of the way Biden was handling his job as president and 56% disapproved.

When it comes to Biden's handling of the economy, 35% of Americans approve and 60% disapprove. In October, 35% approved of the way Biden was handling the economy and 59% disapproved.

Biden job approvalApproveDisapproveUndecided
Nov 202337%57%6%
Oct 202338%56%6%
Sep 202339%56%5%
Aug 202341%54%5%
Jul 202340%56%4%
Jun 202340%54%6%
May 202341%52%7%
Apr 202343%51%6%
Mar 202346%49%5%
Feb 202345%51%4%
Jan 202341%54%5%
Dec 202245%50%5%
Nov 202241%54%5%

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