Saturday, November 25, 2023

Why Christie Still Remains Fascinating, Compelling

The following excerpt is from a Politico story detailing a body language expert's analysis of the most recent GOP presidential debate. Note the expert's take on Chris Christie. What he coveys about Christie is something we've always known -- something we noticed 14 years ago when we first started covering him, when this blog was just gaining steam. Christie is and always has been a very compelling figure and he continues to be a personal favorite of ours. No matter the eventual outcome of his current campaign, he remains formidable. 

Chris Christie Can Tell a Story With His Eyes 

''Christie was as polished as always. As a former prosecutor practiced at charming a jury, he used his smooth vocal cadence to deliver talking points in a way that was easy to understand. His hand gestures were also smooth, communicating a sense of calm and control. Only Scott, himself a polished orator, used nonverbals to demarcate his most important points so effectively. Christie is particularly adept at communicating with his eyes, arching his eyebrows for drama and narrowing his eyes to underline important messages. You may not agree with him, but when he is speaking, you cannot turn away from him.''

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