Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Bashaw: Let's Turn The Page On Corrupt Democrats!

Curtic Bashaw
From New Jersey US Senate candidate Curtis Bashaw reacting to the conviction of Senator Bob Menendez:

NJ families deserve better than the continued corruption and made-for-TV scandals courtesy of the New Jersey Democratic machine..."

"This is a sad day for New Jersey, but one that feels all too familiar.  New Jersey families deserve better than the continued corruption and made-for-tv political scandals, courtesy of Bob Menendez and the Democratic machine. 

As yet another sordid chapter of New Jersey corruption closes, it’s time to say enough is enough. We can’t keep sending the same old career Democratic insiders to Washington and expect different results. It’s time to reject the same Democratic politicians who turned a blind eye to this blatant corruption, including Andy Kim who ran on the ticket with Menendez in 2018, following his first indictment. 

After five decades of representation in the US Senate, Democrats have only delivered political scandals, higher taxes, runaway inflation, and dangerous open border policies.  I’m running for US Senate as a political outsider who can bring change and get things done for New Jersey families. It’s time for a new chapter of New Jersey leadership that puts our citizens ahead of self-serving career politicians.”  

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