Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Governor Corbett Endorsed By Three Former Governors

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett was honored today to receive the endorsement of Pennsylvania’s three living former Republican Governors Dick Thornburgh, Tom Ridge and Mark Schweiker.

The Honorable Dick Thornburgh
41st Governor of Pennsylvania, 1979-1987

Watch Governor Dick Thornburgh’s Endorsement Video by Clicking Here.

The Honorable Tom Ridge
43rd Governor of Pennsylvania, 1995-2001

“Governor Corbett has been fighting for Pennsylvania’s taxpayers from Day One, closing a $4.2 billion deficit without tax increases and steering Pennsylvania through tough economic times. He has nurtured a competitive environment for the private sector that has resulted in the creation of more than 100,000 family-sustaining jobs.

“I am honored today to join fellow governors Thornburgh and Schweiker in endorsing Governor Corbett for re-election.”

The Honorable Mark Schweiker
44th Governor of Pennsylvania, 2001-2003

“Governor Tom Corbett brought his experience and record of accomplishment to Harrisburg, and never looked back. From Tom’s time as Pennsylvania Attorney General, Pennsylvanians knew exactly what they were getting from this Governor – results. And in just over two and a half years we have seen the great results of his hard work.”

“Governor Corbett rolled up his sleeves and got to work, serving diligently to restore faith and trust in government and putting Pennsylvania back on a road towards economic recovery and financial stability by cutting wasteful spending and continuing to grow our energy sector. Pennsylvania is on a path forward thanks to Governor Corbett and I endorse his re-election.”

Governor Tom Corbett offered his gratitude for the endorsement of Pennsylvania’s past Republican governors.

“I am honored and humbled to receive the endorsements of Governors’ Thornburgh, Ridge and Schweiker. During their time in office, each of them provided strong leadership and a shared goal to make Pennsylvania a great place to live and work.”

“With their support, and the help of our friends and neighbors across the state, I will win re-election, continue to tackle the tough issues and do all it takes to ensure Pennsylvania’s best days lie ahead.”

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