Saturday, October 15, 2016

Maybe THIS Is Why She's Been In Hiding . . .

From an editorial in the New York Post:

Long-secret emails just caught Team Hillary in another blatant lie — namely, the claim that Clinton Foundation donors got no special treatment from Clinton’s State Department. In fact, ABC’s “case study” of the 2010 Haiti-relief feeding frenzy may be the most damning foundation scoop yet.

And the foundation isn’t even denying it.

ABC News got the emails via a Freedom of Information lawsuit. They show that, after the devastating 2010 Haiti earthquake, a top Hillary aide repeatedly gave special attention to “Friends of Bill” looking to cash in.

Indeed, the aide, Caitlin Klevorick, kept asking foundation official Amitabh Desai “to flag when people are friends of WJC” — William Jefferson Clinton. Anyone without a special tag (FOB, WJC-VIP) got rebuffed by State and referred to a federal website . . . .

Click Here To Read The Full Article

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