Friday, February 4, 2022

Murphy Nominee Concerns; 'Give It Back' Initiative

New Jersey State Senator Kristin Corrado, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, expressed concern over the nomination of Matt Platkin to be New Jersey’s next Attorney General

Sen. Kristin Corrado expressed concern with the nomination of Matt Platkin to be Attorney General, saying he advised Gov. Murphy to rule through executive order and mandates. On emergency powers, Corrado says we need some who will tell Gov. Murphy to ‘Give It Back.’ (

“I’m concerned that Matt Platkin was the counsel who advised Governor Murphy to govern by executive order and overbearing mandates for the past two years,” said Corrado (R-40). “On emergency powers, we need someone who shares the views of New Jerseyans that it’s time for Governor Murphy to give it back.”

Platkin served as Governor Murphy’s chief counsel at the start of the pandemic when the current State of Emergency and initial Public Health Emergency were first declared.

Republicans launched the #GiveItBack initiative today to urge Governor Murphy to give back everything he’s taken from New Jerseyans over the last two years, including emergency powers.

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