Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Pope On SCOTUS Roe Decision: Not Quite Sure

From the Vatican News staff:

Pope Francis has responded to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, which returned power to regulate abortion to the individual states, saying he respected the decision, but had not studied it enough to comment on it from a juridic point of view. “I tell you the truth. I don’t understand it from a technical point of view,” he explained, adding, “I have to study it because I don’t really understand (the details of) the ruling 50 years ago and now I can’t say whether it did right or wrong from a judicial point of view.” However, he said, “I respect the decisions.”

You can read the full news story here. But this does not strike us as a ringing endorsement of the Supreme Court decision in the Dobbs case which turned abortion back to the states. In fact, it seems rather ambiguous -- and this from the Vicar of Christ, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. What's going on here? What IS it with this Pope, anyway?

Even if you read the story further, the Pope seems rather half-hearted on the whole subject of abortion and keeps talking about science. But the Pope's specialty is supposed too be morality and right and wrong. Still, this is a Pope who famously said (when asked a question related to what would appear to be a moral issue) "Who am I to judge?" Ponder THAT for a moment!

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