Friday, July 5, 2024


If you've ever felt that politics was a mere distraction and non-consequential this must be a difficult time for you -- ditto if you simply put politics out of your mind and never paid attention to it. Because the past week has decisively proven that politics is hugely consequential, that political matters and events do make a difference and will impact your daily life in many ways and on multiple levels. But even beyond all that, politics is enormously interesting and endlessly fascinating. You can't make this stuff up, folks!

Here's the deal: we are living through a national scandal -- a scandal of mammoth proportions. A man has been in charge of our country -- has been the leader of the free world -- while being mentally impaired and grossly incompetent. And the media, academia, vast corporate interests, the military/intelligence complex, the deep state and other powerful forces have all apparently been complicit, in one way or another, in a scurrilous and despicable cover up. 

So shocking and far reaching is this scandal that we must legitimatally ask: Who the hell's running our country and who's been in charge all this time?

We supposedly elected someone to lead us but we were systematically deceived and defrauded.* 

Yes, he took the oath of office and he appeared to assume the role, but it certainly seems others have been running things all along. Who were/are those who constitute these nameless ones who oversee everything? Obviously, many of them are part of the vast administrative state -- bureaucrats, functionaries, paper-pushers and government lifers. But it's more than that. Because someone (or a relatively small group of someones) have been calling the shots from above and pulling the strings.

And we need to know who the puppet masters are. 

We have a right to know, and the people (through the Congress and perhaps the courts) have the responsibility to find out. Our national security -- our very survival and well-being -- has been put at risk and continues to be at risk. What the hell's going on here?

We need to know and we need to know, beginning now. And the people responsible for this must be brought forward and must be forced to account for their actions under penalty of the law.

*A caveat: One group of Americans has not been deceived. Those are the Trumpsters. Trump and his supporters knew (or at least suspected) this all along -- right from the start, in fact. And they were vilified for it. They were mocked, termed dim-witted and called clueless conspiracy theorists. Well, guess what? They were right and they deserve an apology!

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