Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Do The Actual FACTS Interest You At All? Do They?

Another important and timely observation (via Facebook) from our friend Matt Rooney at the Save Jersey blog:
Time out for actual #facts: More Americans are struck by lightning every year (!) than are killed in mass shootings. 3 or 4-times as many.
So if savings lives in your goal? Call your Congressman and ask him or her to put up a bill banning walking/swimming outside during thunderstorms.
If gun crimes are your specific concern? Okay. Avoid living in major metropolitan areas run by Democrats (762 murders in Chicago for 2016 versus 71 mass shooting deaths that same year nation-wide, and I used Mother Jones's numbers for good measure).
It's really that simple.
Hysteria is the true enemy of all free peoples. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
#Think... it's important.

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