Saturday, March 3, 2018

Surviving The Apocalypse? Well, Cockroaches And . . .

From our friends at the Save Jersey Blog
By The Staff (reprinted with permission)

Governor Phil Murphy doubled-down on his desire for a millionaire’s tax at Thursday’s Chamber of Commerce event in Washington, D.C., raising the ire of some New Jersey conservatives.
“High taxes are New Jersey’s very problem, not the solution. Governor Murphy’s plan to hike the New Jersey income tax should be rejected out of hand,” said Assemblyman Jay Webber (R-26), a 2018 GOP primary candidate for congress in New Jersey’s 11 district. “The Governor’s hint that an income-tax hike could be temporary is a classic political con job that we all know too painfully well in New Jersey. As Ronald Reagan rightly said, nothing lasts longer than a temporary government program. Of course any income-tax increase from Governor Murphy would be permanent — ‘we need more’ has become the mantra of Trenton’s tax hikers, and there never will be enough tax money to satisfy Governor Murphy’s spending ambitions.
“The truth is that just two things might survive an apocalypse:  cockroaches and New Jersey liberal tax hikes. Governor Murphy’s pledge to increase incomes taxes should be abandoned immediately,” added Webber.
Murphy faces resistance from more than just the state’s minority Republican caucus.

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