Saturday, February 11, 2012

This Means War, And Guns, And Sex, And Laughs!

Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon and Tom hardy star in This Means War.
Chris Pine, Tom Hardy and Reese Witherspoon tear up everything in their path in This Means War, the new rollicking action/comedy from director McG.
The film doesn't open till February 17 (with special preview on Valentine's Day) but we've already seen it and we can tell you that it's sort of like a date movie on steroids: Lots of high tech action and bromance (Pine and Hardy are best-buds) combined with a feminist-inspired updated take on boys and their toys. Reese Witherspon and her gal pal (Chelsea Handler) scheme to find just the right guy for Reese. What Reese finds instead (via the Internet) are two guys. But she doesn't know that not only are the guys best friends but also CIA agents. 
For the guys this becomes a macho competition. And since they're CIA agents that means plenty of gadgetry is tossed into the mix. For Reese, it's deliciously frustrating as she's torn between two certified hunks. There are worse dilemmas. And, it's vicarious pleasure for the barely-domesticated, married Handler who offers sometimes wacky advice to Reese throughout.
The guys swear they won't let the competition for the gal threaten their treasured friendship.  But, well . . . . you know what happens when testosterone takes charge. They fight -- literally and figuratively, almost to the death. 
Romance. Mayhem. Guns, love, sex and laughs.
And yes, there are lots of laughs. In fact the lines are so fast and so clever that sometimes you have to watch and listen very closely to keep up with this fast-paced flick.  From the first scene to the end, it's like a wild roller coaster ride.
But to add just a dash of grounding and sensibility (along with sentimentality) is the great Rosemary Harris as 
Yes, it's totally preposterous. But that's the kind of move this is. And it is a movie -- no question about that.
How does it all end. Does she pick Pine or Hardy, or -- both?
I'll never tell.
But I will tell you this: Go see the movie.

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