Thursday, June 12, 2014

Guadagno Leads Effort To Eliminate Red Tape

Holding its first public meeting since Governor Christie signed Executive Order No. 155 reauthorizing its charter on April 30, Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno yesterday convened the bi-partisan Red Tape Review Commission (RTRC) to hear public testimony on a variety of regulatory issues impacting economic growth in New Jersey.

The meeting took place at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison.

“As its record clearly illustrates, the work of the Red Tape Review Commission is essential to nurturing an environment where investment and job creation can thrive,” said Lt. Governor Guadagno, who serves as chair of the RTRC. “With Executive Order 155 in place, businesses can now have confidence that New Jersey will continue to provide consistency and predictability to its regulatory process, while modernizing and streamlining its delivery of governmental services.”

In conjunction with Executive Order No. 155, the RTRC issued a comprehensive report on its findings and recommendations to guide its work moving forward. Suggested areas of focus moving forward included:

· Creating a one-stop-shop in every state department to better navigate bureaucracy and streamline the delivery of time-sensitive economic development services.

· Pursuing continued procurement reforms to promote greater uniformity and clarity for vendors seeking to do business with the state.

· Expanding general permits and permits by rule to protect regulatory intent while removing unduly costs and time of associated with obtaining individual permits.

· Reducing the unnecessary hidden costs of regulation by removing layers in the statewide permitting and licensing process where little or no benefit is delivered.

“Testimony from stakeholders has led directly to legislation and regulatory changes that have streamlined government and regulatory processes,” added Lt. Governor Guadagno. “I look forward to continuing to work with the RTRC’s bi-partisan legislative members and its members from the business community to help provide common sense solutions for those doing business and seeking to do business in New Jersey.”

In addition to Lt. Governor Guadagno, members of the bi-partisan RTRC include Senator Steven Oroho, Senator Jeff Van Drew, Assemblyman John Burzichelli, Assemblyman Scott Rumana, Franklin Township Mayor Brian D. Levine, John Galandak, Tony Monteiro, and Kimberly Gillespie.

To learn more about the work of the RTRC, or to view the full report on its latest recommendations and findings, visit Individuals and businesses are encouraged to contact the RTRC directly to provide real time feedback.

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