Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Happy To Be Anglofiles In Russia

We may be in Russia but we remain ardent Anglofiles.
And since we've met so many fine British friends here on the Viking River Cruise's Ingvard we are happy campers, indeed.
It's said that someone once quipped that America and England were "two greate cultures separated by the same language." Well, we can all get a chuckle from that, but our shared language is just one of the things that our two nations have in common.
We share a marvelous heritage and Great Britain remains not only our mother country but the source of so much that we have to be grateful for. In fact, our whole system of law and justice is grounded in the Magna Carta and British common law. And so much of our art, architecture, design and even music and fashion have been influenced by the Great Britain, both in our early years and even later via various British "invasions." America simply seems to have a natural level of comforst with all things British.
Right now on the Ingvar we've hit a bit of a snag in our journey -- we're stuck in the fog and we won't be able to visit the small town we were hoping to explore today. Americans onboard are frustrated and ready to go whiney on us. But the Brits are taking it all in stride. They're quite chipper, as usual.
And do we have to remind you once again that England is and always will be our finest and most steadfast ally in the world?
You don't find loyal friends like that anymore, mate!   

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