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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Democrat Boondoggle Robs County, Hurts Economy
Losing jobs is nothing new to Camden County.
It is all to familiar occurrence.
Businesses leave Camden County because taxes are just too high. But how awful and disheartening is it when our county Freeholders deliberately causes a thriving business to go under?
The Pennsauken Mart, a South Jersey landmark since 1955, was home to over 150 businesses and and a reliable lifeline for the small business entrepreneur.
The 35 acres in Pennsauken may not mean much to the Camden County Freeholders, but when they tore down “The Mart” in 2007 to make way for the developers they took away businesses and pay checks from our residents.
Our current Board of Freeholders had the brilliant idea to replace the Mart with what was to be an arena and conference center. When that failed the project became Renaissance Walk, an upscale apartment complex with about 612 high-end residences; where rents were planned to go as high as $2,000 a month.
We're still waiting for the apartments -- waiting, waiting . . . .
Blame does not fix a problem – but new leadership and direction will.
That is why the team of George Zallie and Scot DeCristofaro will work to give Camden County residents a real comprehensive all-inclusive chance for the future – and not destroy the dreams of the past.
With unemployment running at 11 percent, the people of Camden County need jobs.
We cannot bring back the Pennsauken Mart, but we can – with your help on November 2 – work to improve the economic outlook and build a better future for Camden County.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Dem Dirty Tricks Target Runyan -- AGAIN!
Today’s headline from the Burlington County Times says it all: Another attack on Runyan
Over the past few days illegal mail pieces lying about Jon Runyan, promoting the fake “Tea Party” candidate have been hitting voters in the Third District.
The Democrats think they can trick you in to supporting a fraudulent candidate instead of Jon Runyan. You can click here to see the illegal mail pieces lying about Jon.
In addition to sending out illegal mail pieces, they have begun attacking Jon online through false attack ads that attempt to garner support for this fraud.
Here is a screen shot of the ads all over the internet:

They even hijacked the web site NJTeaPartyCoalition.org to make it look like the Tea Party was actually supporting this fraud.
Runyan & Co. are so close to winning this election – don't let the Democrats steal it now. Team Runyan has launched a web page – www.StopTheFakeTeaParty.com – detailing these dirty tricks and they need you to help spread the word about it.
Tell your friends and neighbors -- and spread the word via e-mail, text, Facebook and Twitter!
Over the past few days illegal mail pieces lying about Jon Runyan, promoting the fake “Tea Party” candidate have been hitting voters in the Third District.
The Democrats think they can trick you in to supporting a fraudulent candidate instead of Jon Runyan. You can click here to see the illegal mail pieces lying about Jon.
In addition to sending out illegal mail pieces, they have begun attacking Jon online through false attack ads that attempt to garner support for this fraud.
Here is a screen shot of the ads all over the internet:

They even hijacked the web site NJTeaPartyCoalition.org to make it look like the Tea Party was actually supporting this fraud.
Runyan & Co. are so close to winning this election – don't let the Democrats steal it now. Team Runyan has launched a web page – www.StopTheFakeTeaParty.com – detailing these dirty tricks and they need you to help spread the word about it.
Tell your friends and neighbors -- and spread the word via e-mail, text, Facebook and Twitter!
Is This A Good Omen, Or What?
GOP congressional candidate Dale Glading is nearly blinded by the Light From Above this morning at Camden County Republican headquarters in Cherry Hill.
Oh yes, there's a rainbow on his shoulder, and
I take that as a Very Good Sign indeed!
I take that as a Very Good Sign indeed!
Runyan, Glading Energize Camco GOP Crowd
Camden County GOP Freeholder candidate Scot DeCristofaro (center, smiling) stands alongside his children as fellow freeholder candidate George Zallie (right) looks on this morning in Cherry Hill
No doubt about it: Enthusiasm is high and this slogan takes the cake!
Congressional candidate Jon Runyan fires up the crowd.
Lawn signs were flying out the door.
Voter contact lists were being picked up by neighborhood leaders.
And phone banks were already well-staffed and operating at peak when congressional candidates Jon Runyan and Dale Glading and county row office candidates George Zallie, Scot DeCristofaro and Chris Leone-Zwillinger stopped by to greet supporters and offer thanks and encouragement.
I continue to be impressed with the numbers, the enthusiasm and the dedication that I see in the volunteers who are turning out to make democracy work for the conservative cause -- even in Camden County!
It's nothing short of astounding.
As I chatted with people at the headquarters this morning I ran into Gene Cohen, a senior citizen from Cherry Hill who told me he's never been involved in a campaign before.
Gene said he got involved because of the Tea Party. "When they said 'we've got to take our country back' I knew I had to get involved," Gene commented. He explained that the notion that we might have to take our own country back and, in effect, return it to the people, convinced him that he had to do something. So, Gene began working the Runyan phone bank side-by-side with tea partiers and other volunteers. "It's never too late," he said.
It was at that point that Gene and I commiserated over a quote from Ronald Reagan: "If not us, who? If not now, when?"
Yes, we are the people and this is the time.
Gene story is being reported over and over again all over the country.
What's happening right now is truly historic. And the whole world will hear our story in just a few short days.
The Political Rage Of Middle-Aged Liberal Women
It must be hard to be a menopausal liberal. How else to explain the collective meltdown being experienced by women of a certain age and political stripe in the waning days of this midterm election? The examples of hormonal angst are too numerous to list, so I'll just focus on a few of the more amusing ones.
JOY BEHAR VS. SHARRON ANGLE: A lot of people, not just women, hate the GOP Senate candidate from Nevada.
Click here to read the rest of Christine Flowers' fine column from the Philadelphia Daily News.
JOY BEHAR VS. SHARRON ANGLE: A lot of people, not just women, hate the GOP Senate candidate from Nevada.
She's been ridiculed as an "Annie Get Your 'Second Amendment Remedies,' " a racist who can't tell chalupas from chow mein and a woman who thinks rape victims should be drinking lemonade.
'Undecideds' Flocking To The GOP
As the campaign nears its close, those voters in the middle have finally begun moving.
And they're flocking to the GOP.
It doesn't matter what you call them -- independents, moderates, uncommitted or undecided -- these voters are now beginning to make up their minds and from every indication they're placing their bets on the Republicans.
The New York Times gave hints of this in a story a couple of days ago when it said the Obama coalition was coming apart.
And now the Wall Street Journal is out this morning with a story that leads as follows:
Even Democrats now admit that the current election is "all about Obama" and that's bad for them and there's nothing they can do about it. Where once they all wanted Obama at their side (indeed, they couldn't get enough of him) Democrats now can't get away from Obama fast enough.
Don't say I didn't warn of this.
If you've been reading this blog regularly, you know that I warned months ago of creeping disenchantment with Obama -- even among the most stringent Democrats. I told you that they were beginning to privately express regrets and disappointment. I talked about buyers' remorse. Now, the very real impact of all this is being felt.
Now, all of you know that, Chris Christie notwithstanding, New Jersey is still a blue state.
But here's more from the Wall Street Journal story today:
Will the GOP have a real shot of gaining the Senate? Who knows?
What we do know is that we appear to be in the midst of something really BIG -- momentous, even perhaps historic.
Click here for the full Wall Street Journal story.
And they're flocking to the GOP.
It doesn't matter what you call them -- independents, moderates, uncommitted or undecided -- these voters are now beginning to make up their minds and from every indication they're placing their bets on the Republicans.
The New York Times gave hints of this in a story a couple of days ago when it said the Obama coalition was coming apart.
And now the Wall Street Journal is out this morning with a story that leads as follows:
The Democrats' final push to woo undecided voters appears to have fizzled, potentially putting dozens of competitive House races beyond reach and undermining the party's chances in at least four toss-up Senate seats, according to party strategists and officials.Now the political pollster Stuart Rothenberg (hardly a right-leaning prognoticator by any means) is saying the GOP could pick up more than 70 House seats. That would be staggering. And the Republican's chance of taking the Senate still remain very much alive.
Independents, a crucial swing bloc, seem to be breaking sharply for Republicans in the final days of the campaign.
Even Democrats now admit that the current election is "all about Obama" and that's bad for them and there's nothing they can do about it. Where once they all wanted Obama at their side (indeed, they couldn't get enough of him) Democrats now can't get away from Obama fast enough.
Don't say I didn't warn of this.
If you've been reading this blog regularly, you know that I warned months ago of creeping disenchantment with Obama -- even among the most stringent Democrats. I told you that they were beginning to privately express regrets and disappointment. I talked about buyers' remorse. Now, the very real impact of all this is being felt.
Now, all of you know that, Chris Christie notwithstanding, New Jersey is still a blue state.
But here's more from the Wall Street Journal story today:
In New Jersey, 11-term Democratic Rep. Frank Pallone has seen his lead over the Republican tea-party favorite Anna Little narrow rapidly as undecided independents have broken in Ms. Little's favor.Will the House pickup be as high as 70 seats or more? Or will it be more like 50 or 60 seats, or maybe less? No one can say with certainty. I certainly can't.
"If Little wins, it will represent a complete annihilation of the Democrats in this race, and it could well happen," says Patrick Murray, who directs the state's Monmouth University Polling Institute. Across the state, he said, "independents are going for Republicans more than I've ever seen before."
Will the GOP have a real shot of gaining the Senate? Who knows?
What we do know is that we appear to be in the midst of something really BIG -- momentous, even perhaps historic.
Click here for the full Wall Street Journal story.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Artist To Roll Giant Ball Through Philly Streets Tomorrow
Tomorrow (Saturday) at 1 p.m., Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto will roll a giant ball made from local newspapers through the streets of Philadelphia.
The community is invited to join the artist for this public-art performance, which is the first event celebrating the opening of the two exhibitions (November 2, 2010) at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
In 1967, Pistoletto rolled a giant ball made of newspapers through the streets of Turin. On October 30, Pistoletto will roll a contemporary replica made by Spiral Q Puppet Theater out of the Museum and onto the streets of Philadelphia to represent the constantly shifting, newsworthy events of life. The Walking Sculpture will leave from the West Entrance at 1 p.m. and will roll through several adjoining neighborhoods and into Center City before returning to the Museum around 4 p.m., where it will be welcomed by large puppets made by Spiral Q. The performance will be held rain or shine; a reception at the Museum and preview of the exhibition will follow.
The community is invited to join the artist for this public-art performance, which is the first event celebrating the opening of the two exhibitions (November 2, 2010) at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
In 1967, Pistoletto rolled a giant ball made of newspapers through the streets of Turin. On October 30, Pistoletto will roll a contemporary replica made by Spiral Q Puppet Theater out of the Museum and onto the streets of Philadelphia to represent the constantly shifting, newsworthy events of life. The Walking Sculpture will leave from the West Entrance at 1 p.m. and will roll through several adjoining neighborhoods and into Center City before returning to the Museum around 4 p.m., where it will be welcomed by large puppets made by Spiral Q. The performance will be held rain or shine; a reception at the Museum and preview of the exhibition will follow.
WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 30, 1 – 4 p.m.
NOW Condemns Viscious Christine O'Donnell Story
The National Organization for Women has decried an anonymous Gawker story about Christine O'Donnell as a “sexist, misogynist attack.”
"This kind of sexist attack is an affront to all women, and I won't stand for it,” NOW spokesman Terry O’Neill said in a statement.
The story, published by Gawker online described a supposed randon sexual encounter with O'Donnell when she was 25 years old.
And there's more: The Smoking Gun is reporting that Gawker paid for the story and it appears as if the author may now have been identified.
The following is from O'Donnell Communications Director Doug Sachtleben regarding the story:
"This kind of sexist attack is an affront to all women, and I won't stand for it,” NOW spokesman Terry O’Neill said in a statement.
The story, published by Gawker online described a supposed randon sexual encounter with O'Donnell when she was 25 years old.
And there's more: The Smoking Gun is reporting that Gawker paid for the story and it appears as if the author may now have been identified.
The following is from O'Donnell Communications Director Doug Sachtleben regarding the story:
"This story is just another example of the sexism and slander that female candidates are forced to deal with. From Secretary Clinton, to Governor Palin, to soon-to-be Governor Haley, Christine's political opponents have been willing to engage in appalling and baseless attacks — all with the aim of distracting the press from covering the real issues in this race. Even the National Organization for Women gets it, but Christine's opponent disturbingly does not. As Chris Coons said on September 16th he would not condone personal attacks against Christine. Classless Coons goons have proven yet again to have no sense of common decency or common sense with their desperate attacks to get another rubber stamp for the Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda. Such attacks are truly shameful, but they will not distract us from making our case to Delaware voters — and keeping the focus on Chris Coons' record of higher taxes, increased spending, and as he has done again here, breaking his promises to the voters."
The National Organization for Women (NOW) on Thursday condemned the tabloid website Gawker for publishing an anonymous account: NOW issued a statement late Thursday stating that "sexist, misogynist attacks against women have no place in the electoral process, regardless of a particular candidate's political ideology."
"NOW repudiates Gawker's decision to run this piece. It operates as public sexual harassment. And like all sexual harassment, it targets not only O'Donnell, but all women contemplating stepping into the public sphere," said NOW president Terry O'Neill.
On Daily Show Obama Lays An Egg
So, President Obama set out to reach young voters (and energize his base) by going on Comedy central the other night.
Hey, when it's this late in the game and you still haven't energized your bas, you've got problems.
But let's put that side for just a moment.
The President came. He saw. And he fizzled.
Here's how Dana Milbank (no Obama enemy, he) describes it in the Washington Post:
But it proves what we've known all along: The President isn't very funny -- especially when the subject is him and his policies. In fact, he's actually drowse-inducing.
Click here to read all of Milbank's column.
Hey, when it's this late in the game and you still haven't energized your bas, you've got problems.
But let's put that side for just a moment.
The President came. He saw. And he fizzled.
Here's how Dana Milbank (no Obama enemy, he) describes it in the Washington Post:
On Comedy Central, the joke was on President Obama Wednesday night.It was painful to watch. Painful.
The Daily Show host was giving Obama a tough time about hiring the conventional and Clintonian Larry Summers as his top economic advisor.The president had come, on the eve of what will almost certainly be the loss of his governing majority, to plead his case before Jon Stewart, gatekeeper of the disillusioned left. But instead of displaying the sizzle that won him an army of youthful supporters two years ago, Obama had a Brownie moment.
"In fairness," the president replied defensively, "Larry Summers did a heckuva job."
"You don't want to use that phrase, dude," Stewart recommended with a laugh.
Dude. The indignity of a comedy show host calling the commander in chief "dude" pretty well captured the moment for Obama.
But it proves what we've known all along: The President isn't very funny -- especially when the subject is him and his policies. In fact, he's actually drowse-inducing.
Click here to read all of Milbank's column.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Christie's Sharp Wit Cracks Up Press Corps
This lighthearted exchange with Governor Chris Christie the other day at a news conference on the ARC tunnel project provides a perfect example of Christie's effective use of his laser-sharp mind and his quick wit. Enjoy!
The Stark Dilemma Of Obama As 'Redeemer'
At the Wall Street Journal, Stanford University senior fellow Shelby Steele has written an outstandinf analysis of President Obama's presidency and the challenge that Obama now faces. here's part of what he says:
Our great presidents have been stewards, men who broadly identified with the whole of America. Stewardship meant responsibility even for those segments of America where one might be reviled. Surely Mr. Obama would claim such stewardship. But he has functioned more as a redeemer than a steward, a leader who sees a badness in us from which we must be redeemed. Many Americans are afraid of this because a mandate as grandiose as redemption justifies a vast expansion of government. A redeemer can't just tweak and guide a faltering economy; he will need a trillion- dollar stimulus package. He can't take on health care a step at a time; he must do it all at once, finally mandating that every citizen buy in.
Next week's election is, among other things, a referendum on the idea of president-as- redeemer. We have a president so determined to transform and redeem us from what we are that, by his own words, he is willing to risk being a one-term president. People now wonder if Barack Obama can pivot back to the center like Bill Clinton did after his set-back in '94. But Mr. Clinton was already a steward, a policy wonk, a man of the center. Mr. Obama has to change archetypes.
Click here to read the full column by Shelby Steele.
Our great presidents have been stewards, men who broadly identified with the whole of America. Stewardship meant responsibility even for those segments of America where one might be reviled. Surely Mr. Obama would claim such stewardship. But he has functioned more as a redeemer than a steward, a leader who sees a badness in us from which we must be redeemed. Many Americans are afraid of this because a mandate as grandiose as redemption justifies a vast expansion of government. A redeemer can't just tweak and guide a faltering economy; he will need a trillion- dollar stimulus package. He can't take on health care a step at a time; he must do it all at once, finally mandating that every citizen buy in.
Next week's election is, among other things, a referendum on the idea of president-as- redeemer. We have a president so determined to transform and redeem us from what we are that, by his own words, he is willing to risk being a one-term president. People now wonder if Barack Obama can pivot back to the center like Bill Clinton did after his set-back in '94. But Mr. Clinton was already a steward, a policy wonk, a man of the center. Mr. Obama has to change archetypes.
Click here to read the full column by Shelby Steele.
Christie Appoints Education Task Force Members
Today, New jersey Governor Chris Christie announced the appointment of members to the newly created Education Effectiveness Task Force. The nine member Task Force, established by Executive Order No. 42, is charged with recommending a fair and transparent system of educator evaluations that centers on student learning and achievement. The recommendations must center on a fair and transparent system of educator evaluations that fairly weigh measuring student achievement and utilizing demonstrated practices of effective teachers and leaders. The Task Force shall provide the Governor with an initial report no later than March 1, 2011. Governor Chris Christie stated, “Teachers are the single most important factor in a student’s success in school. But today, the current method for evaluating the performance and effectiveness of educators throughout New Jersey is inadequate and unrelated to the most important goal we have as parents, educators and leaders: how well our children are learning.
“Today, I’ve appointed nine New Jerseyans to identify and recommend a system of evaluating New Jersey’s teachers and principals that puts results for our children at the core of these assessments. I look forward to reviewing the final recommendations of this distinguished group and moving forward with needed reforms that ensure every New Jersey child has access to a quality education with effective, accountable teachers at every step along the way,” the Governor concluded.
The Task Force will be chaired by Brian Zychowsky, Superintendent of Schools in North Brunswick Township, and include as members: Derrell Bradford, Executive Director and Director of Communications for Excellent Education for Everyone (E3); Jesse Rector, Clinton Hill Campus President of North Star Academy Charter School; Ross Danis, Associate Dean of Education at Drew University; Donna Chiera, an Executive of the American Federation of Teachers and Special Education Resource Teacher; Rafael Fajardo, former President of the Elizabeth Board of Education; Rev. Edwin Leahy, Headmaster of St. Benedict’s Prep in Newark; Jane Cosco, retired teacher and Director of Operation Goody Bag; and Peggy Sue Juliano, Executive Board Member of the Lacy Township High School PTA. These direct appointments by the Governor do not require Senate confirmation.
“Today, I’ve appointed nine New Jerseyans to identify and recommend a system of evaluating New Jersey’s teachers and principals that puts results for our children at the core of these assessments. I look forward to reviewing the final recommendations of this distinguished group and moving forward with needed reforms that ensure every New Jersey child has access to a quality education with effective, accountable teachers at every step along the way,” the Governor concluded.
The Task Force will be chaired by Brian Zychowsky, Superintendent of Schools in North Brunswick Township, and include as members: Derrell Bradford, Executive Director and Director of Communications for Excellent Education for Everyone (E3); Jesse Rector, Clinton Hill Campus President of North Star Academy Charter School; Ross Danis, Associate Dean of Education at Drew University; Donna Chiera, an Executive of the American Federation of Teachers and Special Education Resource Teacher; Rafael Fajardo, former President of the Elizabeth Board of Education; Rev. Edwin Leahy, Headmaster of St. Benedict’s Prep in Newark; Jane Cosco, retired teacher and Director of Operation Goody Bag; and Peggy Sue Juliano, Executive Board Member of the Lacy Township High School PTA. These direct appointments by the Governor do not require Senate confirmation.
Unique Hess Truck With Jet On Sale Nov. 12
Hess Corporation today announced the newest addition to its celebrated line of toy trucks with a design that promises to fly off shelves:
The 2010 Hess Toy Truck and Jet. This marks the first time in the collection's 46-year history that a jet aircraft has been part of a Hess Toy Truck set.
Packed with fun features and value, the 2010 Hess Toy Truck and Jet takes flight Friday, November 12, at participating Hess and Hess Express retail stores retailing for $25.99 plus tax – Energizer® batteries included.
With more sounds than ever and the first use of motion-activated sound in Hess Toy Truck history, the 2010 Hess Toy Truck and Jet reinforces a long tradition of quality, craftsmanship and imaginative play.
Loaded with chrome detailing, the 14-wheeler tractor trailer features a flatbed trailer with hydraulic lift and runway lights that doubles as a launch pad for the accompanying high-powered jet. The toy set's full lineup of fun features includes:
The Hess Toy Truck has been a holiday tradition since 1964, and is one of the longest running toy brands on the market. As in past years, the truck will be sold exclusively at Hess retail stores in 16 East Coast states, while supplies last. For a complete list of Hess Toy Trucks through the years or to find the nearest Hess location, please visit: www.hesstoytruck.com.
The 2010 Hess Toy Truck and Jet. This marks the first time in the collection's 46-year history that a jet aircraft has been part of a Hess Toy Truck set.
Packed with fun features and value, the 2010 Hess Toy Truck and Jet takes flight Friday, November 12, at participating Hess and Hess Express retail stores retailing for $25.99 plus tax – Energizer® batteries included.
With more sounds than ever and the first use of motion-activated sound in Hess Toy Truck history, the 2010 Hess Toy Truck and Jet reinforces a long tradition of quality, craftsmanship and imaginative play.
Loaded with chrome detailing, the 14-wheeler tractor trailer features a flatbed trailer with hydraulic lift and runway lights that doubles as a launch pad for the accompanying high-powered jet. The toy set's full lineup of fun features includes:
- Tilting hydraulic launch ramp
- 42 lights
- 3 light settings with 2 flashing modes (launch ramp countdown sequence, steady and flashing mode)
- 2 Energizer 'C' batteries included
- Retractable landing gear
- 4 motion-activated sounds (climb, dive, left or right bank, and level flight)
- 2 button-activated sounds (engine ignition and take-off)
- 13 lights (including a front spot light and button-activated wing and cargo lights)
- Flashing light mode
- 2 Energizer 'AA' batteries included
The Hess Toy Truck has been a holiday tradition since 1964, and is one of the longest running toy brands on the market. As in past years, the truck will be sold exclusively at Hess retail stores in 16 East Coast states, while supplies last. For a complete list of Hess Toy Trucks through the years or to find the nearest Hess location, please visit: www.hesstoytruck.com.
Christie Live, In Moorestown Takes Aim At Lautenberg
I'm with Governor Chris Christie on this bright sunny autumn day and we're in Moorestown, NJ (Burlington County).
The Governor is here at the Moorestown Community House right on Main Street in this old Quaker town and he's in front of a capacity audience in what used to be the gymnasium of the Community House.
People started lining up early in the morning to be here with the Governor.
The meeting began with a zippy new video with images of Christie at town meetings around the state and clips from his appearances in front of national media.
Once again, the Governor arrived to rousing applause and a standing ovation from an enthusiastic crowd.
Christie is continuing to push his reform agenda and he's noted that he's doing one to one-and-a-half town hall meetings every week, all over the state. He continues to chide the state legislature (particularly the Democrat majority in both chambers) to act.
On the platform with Christie are two of our favorite people, Assemblypersons Dawn Marie Addiego and Scott Rudder. On the way in we chat with Big Jon Runyan, the GOP congressional candidate here in the third district. Accompanied by his wife, Loretta, Jon is relaxed and appears confident as he heads into Tuesday's election. When I mention recent favorable polls to Runyan he says: "The only poll that matters is on election day." And, indeed he continues to work the crowd as we head toward the Big Day.
Back inside, here's the big zinger of the morning: Christie starts talking about the ARC (Access to the Region) tunnel project which was set to connect New Jersey and New York City and he explains why he killed the project: "The tunnel was was called "access to the REGION yet the only people in the region who were paying for it were New Jersey taxpayers. The tunnel would have connected to New York but New York City wasn't paying for it and New York state wasn't paying for it. Instead, we were."
And Christie says these projects always run over budget. "You know that from your own home improvement projects at home," Christie says. "You know how they wind up costing you more than you ever imagined."
The Governor then cites the "Big Dig" in Boston and says "that started out at about $2 billion and wound up costing $22 billion. I will not write a blank check. I will not do that to the taxpayers of New Jersey."
Christie says that unless someone can show him added sources of revenue (outside of New Jersey) the tunnel project is dead, kaput, finuto. "Don't talk to me about it. Don't ask me about it. I don't want to hear about it anymore, " he adds.
And then Christie takes a swipe at New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg who he says "is making a fool of himself" over the tunnel project. Lautenberg, a long time tunnel proponent has been critical of the Governor's stance. "I'm not going to let Frank Lautenberg push us around," Christie says.
"Now Frank Lautenberg doesn't usually do town halls like this," Christie adds."But if you happen to see Frank Lautenberg, go up to him and ask him how we're going to pay for the tunnel that he wants."
Christie tells that crowd that "we have plenty of roads and bridges to repair right here in New Jersey. Let's fix those."
Again Christie vows "I was elected to make decisions and to do what I said I was going to do. We don't have a revenue problem in New Jersey. We have a spending problem. I will not spend money we don't have."
Direct and candid as always, Christie delights in the town hall setting and relishes the give and take with the citizens.
The Governor is here at the Moorestown Community House right on Main Street in this old Quaker town and he's in front of a capacity audience in what used to be the gymnasium of the Community House.
People started lining up early in the morning to be here with the Governor.
The meeting began with a zippy new video with images of Christie at town meetings around the state and clips from his appearances in front of national media.
Once again, the Governor arrived to rousing applause and a standing ovation from an enthusiastic crowd.
Christie is continuing to push his reform agenda and he's noted that he's doing one to one-and-a-half town hall meetings every week, all over the state. He continues to chide the state legislature (particularly the Democrat majority in both chambers) to act.
On the platform with Christie are two of our favorite people, Assemblypersons Dawn Marie Addiego and Scott Rudder. On the way in we chat with Big Jon Runyan, the GOP congressional candidate here in the third district. Accompanied by his wife, Loretta, Jon is relaxed and appears confident as he heads into Tuesday's election. When I mention recent favorable polls to Runyan he says: "The only poll that matters is on election day." And, indeed he continues to work the crowd as we head toward the Big Day.
Back inside, here's the big zinger of the morning: Christie starts talking about the ARC (Access to the Region) tunnel project which was set to connect New Jersey and New York City and he explains why he killed the project: "The tunnel was was called "access to the REGION yet the only people in the region who were paying for it were New Jersey taxpayers. The tunnel would have connected to New York but New York City wasn't paying for it and New York state wasn't paying for it. Instead, we were."
And Christie says these projects always run over budget. "You know that from your own home improvement projects at home," Christie says. "You know how they wind up costing you more than you ever imagined."
The Governor then cites the "Big Dig" in Boston and says "that started out at about $2 billion and wound up costing $22 billion. I will not write a blank check. I will not do that to the taxpayers of New Jersey."
Christie says that unless someone can show him added sources of revenue (outside of New Jersey) the tunnel project is dead, kaput, finuto. "Don't talk to me about it. Don't ask me about it. I don't want to hear about it anymore, " he adds.
And then Christie takes a swipe at New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg who he says "is making a fool of himself" over the tunnel project. Lautenberg, a long time tunnel proponent has been critical of the Governor's stance. "I'm not going to let Frank Lautenberg push us around," Christie says.
"Now Frank Lautenberg doesn't usually do town halls like this," Christie adds."But if you happen to see Frank Lautenberg, go up to him and ask him how we're going to pay for the tunnel that he wants."
Christie tells that crowd that "we have plenty of roads and bridges to repair right here in New Jersey. Let's fix those."
Again Christie vows "I was elected to make decisions and to do what I said I was going to do. We don't have a revenue problem in New Jersey. We have a spending problem. I will not spend money we don't have."
Direct and candid as always, Christie delights in the town hall setting and relishes the give and take with the citizens.
NYT/CBS Poll: Obama Coalition Falling Apart
Turns out that Obama coalition of 2008 might have been a lot more tenuous than people thought.
Indeed, only two short years ago many pundits saw the Obama election as a major, long-range shift in voter sentiment -- a significant realingment.
But now things look very, very different.
A just-released New York Times/CBS News poll says the Obama coalition of 2008 is breaking up.
Here's how the Times describes it:
The switch among women has been dramatic. The gender gap has disappeared:
Indeed, only two short years ago many pundits saw the Obama election as a major, long-range shift in voter sentiment -- a significant realingment.
But now things look very, very different.
A just-released New York Times/CBS News poll says the Obama coalition of 2008 is breaking up.
Here's how the Times describes it:
Critical parts of the coalition that delivered President Obama to the White House in 2008 and gave Democrats control of Congress in 2006 are switching their allegiance to the Republicans in the final phase of the midterm Congressional elections.And there's more.
The switch among women has been dramatic. The gender gap has disappeared:
In the case of women — a traditionally Democratic-leaning group that the White House has been courting actively in recent weeks — the shift toward the Republicans was marked in the latest poll, especially when compared with their stated preferences in the last Times/CBS poll, in mid-September.As for Nancy Pelosi, she remains public enemy Number One And she continues to cost Democrats votes:
In the earlier poll, women favored Democrats over Republicans by seven percentage points. In the latest poll, women said they were likely to support a Republican over a Democrat by four percentage points, suggesting Republican gains among women who were undecided as of last month.
But the shift extended geographically, as well. Among poll respondents from the Western United States, more said they expected to vote for Republicans this year than said they expected to vote for Democrats; majorities of voters from that region voted for Mr. Obama in 2008 and for Congressional Democrats in 2006, according to the exit polls taken in those elections.
The Democratic House speaker, Representative Nancy Pelosi, clearly emerged as a political liability for her party in the latest Times/CBS poll. Over all, 43 percent of respondents had an unfavorable opinion of Ms. Pelosi; 15 percent had a favorable opinion, and 40 percent said they had no opinion.Click here to read the full story at the New York Times.
Why I'm Sick Of All The Halloween Hype

As I wrote not very long ago in the Philadelphia Daily News:
Halloween is now so big that Americans spend almost as much on this faux-holiday as they do on Christmas. And Halloween is now the third largest party occasion, after New Year's and The Super Bowl. More candy is sold on Halloween than on Valentine's Day and people will actually send each other 28 million Halloween cards.
I don’t know about you but I’m not longing to receive a Halloween card from anyone. And it’s been decades since I’ve been out trick or treating.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for children enjoying the day dressed as ghosts, goblins and super-heroes and I’m happy to greet them. . . .
For children Halloween is a way of gently dealing with fright and fear while having some old-fashioned fun.I don’t know about you but I’m not longing to receive a Halloween card from anyone. And it’s been decades since I’ve been out trick or treating.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for children enjoying the day dressed as ghosts, goblins and super-heroes and I’m happy to greet them. . . .
But grownups seem to have forgotten this and they’ve now set about stealing Halloween from the kids. Today, huge numbers of adults celebrate Halloween and at least half of them spend more than $100 each doing so. To me there’s nothing more awkward than a grownup trying to trick, astound, frighten or repulse somebody by wearing a Halloween costume. Most costumed adults look just plain dumb. Let’s face it, many of these people don’t need costumes to begin with and some of them are downright frightening no matter what time of the year it is.
But people will find countless ways to make fools of themselves and so the costume stores now start appearing in early August. When I see some costumed lackey trying to wave me into one of those huge, tacky Halloween stores I run in the opposite direction.
Still, I’m starting to feel like I’m the only one not costumed for Halloween. Even dogs have gotten into the act. Where did this dreadful trend start? Who was it that first thought: “Hey, let’s strip our beagle of whatever bit of doggy dignity it may have had by forcing it to wear a tiara and a tutu.” Dogs in costume look totally bewildered, and rightfully so. Dressing them up and parading them around on Halloween is just this side of cruel.
In fact, the whole Halloween situation is out of proportion. Haunted houses are a good example. Isn’t the world frightening enough without paying to visit a haunted house or participating in some other type of contrived horror? Why would you spend your money this way?
And why would you decorate your house in orange lights? When you think of it, orange is a pretty garish color to begin with. It should be used sparingly, if at all. Its time on the scene should be mercifully limited. But now we’re awash in a virtual sea of orange from mid September onward. Ugh!
To me, natural, seasonal adornments are fine. But now driving through suburbia I’m assaulted by Halloween lawn decorations included animated witches, skeletons and ghouls. And the strangest custom of all involves people who put tombstones on their front lawn. Think about it: Why would you turn your front lawn into a cemetery? Why would you welcome death itself to your door?
I pose this question because when you think about it Halloween is all about death. Its ancient origins are said to lie in Celtic traditions observing the night when the Celts believed the dead returned to earth. With the coming of Christianity, this festival was turned into Halloween – the eve of All Saints and All Souls days. But the observance is still rooted in death.
When an observance that celebrates death begins to rival Christmas as one of our biggest holidays we’ve got a problem. My solution: put a few pumpkins out, sip some cider, enjoy the fall foliage and let the dead rest in peace.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Gallup Sees Clear, Significant GOP Trend
Gallup sees a clear, powerful trend toward the Republicans.
From the latest Gallup Poll:
From the latest Gallup Poll:
55% of likely voters in Gallup's Oct. 14-24, 2010, polling are Republicans and independents who lean Republican. This is higher than the Republican showing in the past four midterm elections, although not too dissimilar to the 51% found in 2002. The corollary of this is that the 40% of likely voters now identifying as Democratic is the lowest such percentage of the past several midterms.Click here to read the full report from Gallup.
Notably, this year's high Republican representation among likely voters stems mainly from a substantial increase in Republican-leaning independents in the likely voter pool -- now at 16% -- reflecting the broader shift toward the Republican Party among independents evident since 2009. . . .
Gallup's recent tracking of the generic ballot for Congress has shown the Republicans with substantial leads over the Democrats among likely voters, in part because the underlying registered voter population leans Republican in its vote choice. Compared with previous elections, that tilt is an extraordinary positioning for the Republicans, who typically do no better than tie the Democrats among registered voters. The GOP's position is further enhanced by the generally strong proclivity of Republicans to turn out to vote, which appears to be even greater than usual this year.
For the GOP, How BIG is B-I-G?
From every indication.
From every poll.
Via every seasoned judgment and every intuition.
According to every analytical measurement and every hunch and notion.
From all sides -- It sure as hell looks like it's gonna be BIG.
But how big?
Well, Jim Geraghty at National Review is looking at figures from The Hill and here's what he says:
Wow. The Senate races may still look tough for the GOP, but this year’s wave is hitting the House races, hard. The Hill 2010 Midterm Election poll, surveying nearly 17,000 likely voters in 42 toss-up districts over four weeks, points to a massive Republican wave that, barring an extraordinary turnaround, will deliver crushing nationwide defeats for President Obama’s party. The data suggest a GOP pickup that could easily top 50 seats (the party needs 39 for control of the House).
And here it is from The Hill itself:
Republicans are headed for a blowout election win that seems certain to seize more than enough seats to knock out the Democrats and take control of the House.
Yes, a lot of people will be playing the expectation game over the next five or six days.
But I've seen too many elections to know better than to start assuming victory (let alone measuring the size of the victory) before every vote is counted.
Call your friends and neighbors.
Work hard. Volunteer Get involved. Contribute.
Then you can savor the fruits of your labors!
From every poll.
Via every seasoned judgment and every intuition.
According to every analytical measurement and every hunch and notion.
From all sides -- It sure as hell looks like it's gonna be BIG.
But how big?
Well, Jim Geraghty at National Review is looking at figures from The Hill and here's what he says:
Wow. The Senate races may still look tough for the GOP, but this year’s wave is hitting the House races, hard. The Hill 2010 Midterm Election poll, surveying nearly 17,000 likely voters in 42 toss-up districts over four weeks, points to a massive Republican wave that, barring an extraordinary turnaround, will deliver crushing nationwide defeats for President Obama’s party. The data suggest a GOP pickup that could easily top 50 seats (the party needs 39 for control of the House).
And here it is from The Hill itself:
Republicans are headed for a blowout election win that seems certain to seize more than enough seats to knock out the Democrats and take control of the House.
Yes, a lot of people will be playing the expectation game over the next five or six days.
But I've seen too many elections to know better than to start assuming victory (let alone measuring the size of the victory) before every vote is counted.
Call your friends and neighbors.
Work hard. Volunteer Get involved. Contribute.
Then you can savor the fruits of your labors!
Shocking White House Botch: Michele!
"Michele and I are deeply saddened by the loss of life, injuries, and damage that have occurred as a result of the recent earthquake and tsunami in West Sumatra," reads a news release yesterday from the White House.
There's just one problem with this, one VERY BIG problem: The First Lady's name is misspelled.
It's M-i-c-h-e-L-L-e: with TWO L's. Michelle. Michelle Obama. Get it?
Yes, everyone makes mistakes now and then.
But the White House? With the First Lady's name?
There's just one problem with this, one VERY BIG problem: The First Lady's name is misspelled.
It's M-i-c-h-e-L-L-e: with TWO L's. Michelle. Michelle Obama. Get it?
Yes, everyone makes mistakes now and then.
But the White House? With the First Lady's name?
Poll: Toomey, Corbett Increase Their Leads
Pennsylvania GOP senate candidates Pat Toomey and Tom Corbett are both enjoying comfortable leads over their opponents for US Senate and Governor, respectively.
That's the word from a new Franklin & Marshall poll that shows Toomey with a seven point lead among likely voters and Corbett with a 15 point lead.
In the same poll almost two-thirds of Pennsylvanians say the state is headed in the wrong direction. And, get this: Two in three voters disapprove of the jobs President Obama and Gov. Ed Rendell are doing.
Those figures do not bode well for the Democrats.
BTW: A daily tracking poll released Monday by Muhlenberg College shows results similar to the Franklin & Marshall Poll, with Toomey up 8 percentage points and Corbett ahead by 11.
To be sure, Toomey and Corbett are taking nothing for granted. It's full speed ahead at both of their campaigns with plenty of events scheduled between now and election day.
Click here to help Pat Toomey.
Click here to help Tom Corbett.
That's the word from a new Franklin & Marshall poll that shows Toomey with a seven point lead among likely voters and Corbett with a 15 point lead.
In the same poll almost two-thirds of Pennsylvanians say the state is headed in the wrong direction. And, get this: Two in three voters disapprove of the jobs President Obama and Gov. Ed Rendell are doing.
Those figures do not bode well for the Democrats.
BTW: A daily tracking poll released Monday by Muhlenberg College shows results similar to the Franklin & Marshall Poll, with Toomey up 8 percentage points and Corbett ahead by 11.
To be sure, Toomey and Corbett are taking nothing for granted. It's full speed ahead at both of their campaigns with plenty of events scheduled between now and election day.
Click here to help Pat Toomey.
Click here to help Tom Corbett.
The Mysteries Of Autumn's Magical Colors
What's behind the beguiling colors of autumn?
If you're lucky enough to live in a part of the country where there are four distinct seasons you know that this time of the year can be dazzling. And hopefully, you're wise enough to take the time to enjoy the vivid hues of the season.
We did just that yesterday. We slowed down, looked up, and savored arborland's big, bright show. The above photos are the result.
Some around these parts were wondering if the tress would really be showing many colors this year. They theorized that the summer's drought would deprive the leaves of their full potential. But it's been my experience that when it comes to autumn, nature is much more reliable than Broadway or Hollywood. This show's always a winner. There are no flops.
The changing of the leaf colors is the way that trees begin to prepare for winter.
A process called photosynthesis helps keep the leaves green through spring and summer. A chemical called chlorophyll helps make photosynthesis happen. Chlorophyll is what gives plants their green color.
As the days get shorter and there is less and less sunlight, the trees realize that winter is coming. They cannot support their leaves. During winter there is not enough light and water to sustain the leaves. The trees will rest and live off the food they stored during the summer.
Animals grow a furrier coat to prepare for winter. Trees shed their leaves.
As the trees begin to shut down their food-making factories, the green chlorophyll disappears from their leaves. The bright green fades away and we begin to see yellow and orange colors. Small amounts of these colors have been in the leaves all along. We just can't see them in the summer, because they are covered up by the green chlorophyll.
That's science's explanation.
However you explain it, the result is a time-honored show.
Get out and enjoy the razzle-dazzle before the curtain comes down on this magical spectacle. It's fantastic!
Photos copyright 2010 by Dan Cirucci
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Another Poll Shows Runyan Advancing
A new Monmouth University Poll of 1,037 likely voters finds NJ third district congressional candidate Jon Runyan building a significant lead in his race to unseat the incumbent John Adler.. The survey, conducted Oct. 22 to 25, found Runyan ahead 48 percent to 43 percent for Adler. The margin of error was +/- 3.1 percent.
This latest poll, along with a Stockton/Zogby poll released on Friday, show Runyan plowing ahead. At the same time, Adler is stuck or slipping.
This latest poll, along with a Stockton/Zogby poll released on Friday, show Runyan plowing ahead. At the same time, Adler is stuck or slipping.
California's Carly Fiorina Hospitalized
Here's the official statement from the Carly Fiorina campaign:
"Carly learned more than a year and a half ago that she, like millions of women, had breast cancer. After successfully battling cancer, she had reconstructive surgery this summer and remains cancer free today. However, this morning Carly came down with an infection associated with the reconstructive surgery and, as a result, she was admitted to the hospital to receive antibiotics to treat this infection. While this will impact her campaign schedule today, Carly is upbeat and her doctors expect her to make a quick and full recovery and be back out on the campaign trail soon. Carly is looking forward to getting back to her full campaign schedule and to defeating Barbara Boxer on November 2."
Carly is a brave and inspiring women. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she moves forward to return to the campaign and as she prepares to serve California.
"Carly learned more than a year and a half ago that she, like millions of women, had breast cancer. After successfully battling cancer, she had reconstructive surgery this summer and remains cancer free today. However, this morning Carly came down with an infection associated with the reconstructive surgery and, as a result, she was admitted to the hospital to receive antibiotics to treat this infection. While this will impact her campaign schedule today, Carly is upbeat and her doctors expect her to make a quick and full recovery and be back out on the campaign trail soon. Carly is looking forward to getting back to her full campaign schedule and to defeating Barbara Boxer on November 2."
Carly is a brave and inspiring women. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she moves forward to return to the campaign and as she prepares to serve California.
Kimpton To Open Second Philly Boutique Hotel
Kimpton Hotels announced yesterday that it has acquired Philadelphia’s historic Lafayette Building on Independence Mall with plans to convert the 11-story office building into a 271-room, four-star Hotel Monaco. Built in 1906, the Lafayette Building is located directly across from Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell on the northeast corner of 5th and Chestnut Streets.
Construction is slated to begin in spring 2011, with a projected opening in 2012.
Upon completion, the new Hotel Monaco Philadelphia will feature a chef-driven, 120-seat restaurant and bar and approximately 12,000 square feet of meeting space, including a 3,200 square foot ballroom located on the ground floor with windows facing Independence Square.
The hotel’s 271 guestrooms will include 23 suites and 25 King Spa rooms.
The Hotel Monaco Philadelphia will be Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants’ second property in Philadelphia; Hotel Palomar and adjacent restaurant Square 1682 near Rittenhouse Square opened in October 2009.
A pioneer in the hospitality industry for adaptive reuse of historic buildings, Kimpton’s plans call for the renovation and refurbishment of the distinctive building in the prestigious Old City section of Center City.
“Philadelphia continues to grow as a leading tourist destination as well as a hub for local and national
business, which makes it a perfect place to invest and expand the Kimpton brand,” said Kimpton CEO
Michael Depatie. “As with Hotel Palomar here, we’re also thrilled with the opportunity to revitalize such an iconic, landmark building as the Lafayette.”
Hotel Monaco Philadelphia will be Kimpton’s 12th adaptive reuse development, and the 10th Hotel Monaco in the Kimpton collection of boutique hotels.
The largest, most established player in the boutique hotel segment, Kimpton currently operates 51 artfully designed hotels and 54 distinctive restaurants and lounges in the United States and Canada.
Construction is slated to begin in spring 2011, with a projected opening in 2012.
Upon completion, the new Hotel Monaco Philadelphia will feature a chef-driven, 120-seat restaurant and bar and approximately 12,000 square feet of meeting space, including a 3,200 square foot ballroom located on the ground floor with windows facing Independence Square.
The hotel’s 271 guestrooms will include 23 suites and 25 King Spa rooms.
The Hotel Monaco Philadelphia will be Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants’ second property in Philadelphia; Hotel Palomar and adjacent restaurant Square 1682 near Rittenhouse Square opened in October 2009.
A pioneer in the hospitality industry for adaptive reuse of historic buildings, Kimpton’s plans call for the renovation and refurbishment of the distinctive building in the prestigious Old City section of Center City.
“Philadelphia continues to grow as a leading tourist destination as well as a hub for local and national
business, which makes it a perfect place to invest and expand the Kimpton brand,” said Kimpton CEO
Michael Depatie. “As with Hotel Palomar here, we’re also thrilled with the opportunity to revitalize such an iconic, landmark building as the Lafayette.”
Hotel Monaco Philadelphia will be Kimpton’s 12th adaptive reuse development, and the 10th Hotel Monaco in the Kimpton collection of boutique hotels.
The largest, most established player in the boutique hotel segment, Kimpton currently operates 51 artfully designed hotels and 54 distinctive restaurants and lounges in the United States and Canada.
Mention 'Pelosi' And Sestak Quickly Hides
Six days have gone by and Congressman Sestak has refused to answer a simple question: Does Joe Sestak think liberal Nancy Pelosi should be replaced as Speaker of the House?
And still, there is nothing but silence from Congressman Sestak on this simple but important question.
Congressman Sestak has already voted for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House twice (RC #2, 01/04/07) (RC #2, 01/06/09). Does he still support Speaker Pelosi as the leader of the Democratic Party?
Already, a number of Democrats across the country have come forward in support of a less extreme leader for the Democratic Party. These include Rep. Jason Altmire (PA-04); Bobby Bright (AL-02); Jim Marshall (GA-08); Mike McIntyre (NC-07); and Genet Taylor (MS-04) (Washington Post, 10/21/10).
Perhaps Congressman Sestak’s reticence is related to the fact that he has voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time on every major piece of her far-left extreme agenda.
Whether the issue was the $787 billion stimulus, government-run health care, massive deficit spending, the cap-and-trade energy tax, Card Check, or the serial bailouts, Congressman Sestak was right behind Speaker Pelosi, rubberstamping every piece of her extreme agenda.
“It’s time for Congressman Sestak to come forward and say where he stands – with Nancy Pelosi, MoveOn.Org, and Barney Frank or with the hardworking taxpayers of Pennsylvania,” Toomey Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik said. “He claims to be independent, so why won’t he just answer the question?”
Click here to help Pat Toomey.
And still, there is nothing but silence from Congressman Sestak on this simple but important question.
Congressman Sestak has already voted for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House twice (RC #2, 01/04/07) (RC #2, 01/06/09). Does he still support Speaker Pelosi as the leader of the Democratic Party?
Already, a number of Democrats across the country have come forward in support of a less extreme leader for the Democratic Party. These include Rep. Jason Altmire (PA-04); Bobby Bright (AL-02); Jim Marshall (GA-08); Mike McIntyre (NC-07); and Genet Taylor (MS-04) (Washington Post, 10/21/10).
Perhaps Congressman Sestak’s reticence is related to the fact that he has voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time on every major piece of her far-left extreme agenda.
Whether the issue was the $787 billion stimulus, government-run health care, massive deficit spending, the cap-and-trade energy tax, Card Check, or the serial bailouts, Congressman Sestak was right behind Speaker Pelosi, rubberstamping every piece of her extreme agenda.
“It’s time for Congressman Sestak to come forward and say where he stands – with Nancy Pelosi, MoveOn.Org, and Barney Frank or with the hardworking taxpayers of Pennsylvania,” Toomey Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik said. “He claims to be independent, so why won’t he just answer the question?”
Click here to help Pat Toomey.
Naked, Drunk Charlie Sheen In Trashed Plaza Suite
1010 WINS news in New York is reporting that Charlie Sheen has been hospitalized voluntarily for intoxication and psychological evaluation after police found him drunk and naked in a trashed midtown hotel suite. The radio station says sources say an unidentified woman in the room said Sheen had been acting "irrationally."
The woman is the room was reportedly an escort.
Click here for the full story.
The woman is the room was reportedly an escort.
Click here for the full story.
That HotHotHot Jayson Werth Workout Video
Yes, we know the Phillies won't be in the World Series.
And, yes we know that there's even talk of letting Jayson go as he nears free agency.
And yes, this video was orginally posted on You Tube quite some time ago.
But it continues to attract fans -- over 30,000 so far.
Warning to the Phightin Phils: You can let Jayson Werth go it's doubtful you'll replace him. And, in the process, the Phillies will lose a lot of fillies.
Sestak's Hometown C of C Endorses Toomey
Following a string of impressive bipartisan and nonpartisan endorsements and announcements of support, including from former Democratic Harrisburg Mayor Stephen Reed, the Fraternal Order of Police, the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police, the Pennsylvania State Troopers Association, the National Federation of Independent Business, and the Pennsylvania Medical Society PAC, Pennsylvania U.S. Senate candidate and former small business owner Pat Toomey was endorsed yesterday by local community business leaders in Congressman Joe Sestak’s own congressional district.
SEPAC, which combines the Delaware County, Chester County, and Main Line Chambers of Commerce, endorsed Pat Toomey, making it clear that the small business community in Joe Sestak’s congressional district is supporting Pat Toomey over their own congressman.
The business leaders who know Joe Sestak best support Pat Toomey for Senate because they know that Pat will fight for job creation in Pennsylvania and oppose the job-killing taxes and government mandates that are preventing an economic recovery.
This latest endorsement comes on the heels of the Toomey endorsement last week by New York City Mayor Giuliani, who said, “I know Pat will be victorious on November 2nd, because his vision of fiscal responsibility, cutting taxes, and creating jobs is exactly what our country needs right now, and it is exactly what people in Pennsylvania and all across America are clamoring for. Pat has proven that he will fight for taxpayers, while Congressman Sestak has proven that he will fight for his extreme friends like Nancy Pelosi. We need a true taxpayer hero like Pat in the U.S. Senate.”
“I’m honored to receive the endorsement of the Delaware County, Chester County, and Main Line Chambers of Commerce,” Pat Toomey said. “In these tough economic times, we need to fight for policies that will encourage businesses to grow and create jobs for Pennsylvanians. As a former small business owner, I know exactly what it takes to encourage businesses to thrive. I’m pleased that the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce supports my vision to grow our economy.”
SEPAC, which combines the Delaware County, Chester County, and Main Line Chambers of Commerce, endorsed Pat Toomey, making it clear that the small business community in Joe Sestak’s congressional district is supporting Pat Toomey over their own congressman.
The business leaders who know Joe Sestak best support Pat Toomey for Senate because they know that Pat will fight for job creation in Pennsylvania and oppose the job-killing taxes and government mandates that are preventing an economic recovery.
This latest endorsement comes on the heels of the Toomey endorsement last week by New York City Mayor Giuliani, who said, “I know Pat will be victorious on November 2nd, because his vision of fiscal responsibility, cutting taxes, and creating jobs is exactly what our country needs right now, and it is exactly what people in Pennsylvania and all across America are clamoring for. Pat has proven that he will fight for taxpayers, while Congressman Sestak has proven that he will fight for his extreme friends like Nancy Pelosi. We need a true taxpayer hero like Pat in the U.S. Senate.”
“I’m honored to receive the endorsement of the Delaware County, Chester County, and Main Line Chambers of Commerce,” Pat Toomey said. “In these tough economic times, we need to fight for policies that will encourage businesses to grow and create jobs for Pennsylvanians. As a former small business owner, I know exactly what it takes to encourage businesses to thrive. I’m pleased that the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce supports my vision to grow our economy.”
Shock Tape: NJ Teachers Union Gone Wild
WARNING: The tape above contains graphic language. Viewer discretion is advised!
The Courier-Post and Gannett NJ are out this morning with a front page report on a video, called "Teacher's Union Gone Wild," posted on a website run by James O'Keefe. O'Keefe is the 26-year-old video whiz who also recorded ACORN activists giving tax advice and help to actors who posed as a pimp and a prostitute.
The teachers' video above has also posted on YouTube, and at Veritas Visuals and on Gateway Pundit claims to be hidden footage from the New Jersey Education Association's summer leadership conference at a Hotel in East Brunswick.
The New Jersey Education Association says the video is a "fabrication" and that it's "built on lies."
Michael Drewniak, Governor Chris Christie's spokesperson says the video is "distressing and revealing, to say the lest."
You can watch the video yourself and draw your own conclusions.
Remember This Quote When You Vote, Nov. 2
"We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."
--President Obama *
*You remember him. He promised a new, "post-partisan" era.
Are Philly Democrats Buying Votes? You Decide . . .
Breitbart caught Big Gritty Philly Democrat Boss (and U. S. Congressman) Bob Brady clumsily attempting to dance around the matter of "street money" -- money that the iron-fisted Philly Democrat machine spreads around like green fertilizer on Election Day. And before the interview is over, lo and behold former Philly reporter (now NBC grande dame) Andrea Mitchell jumps in and saves Brady from flat out having to define "street money" in terms that may later haunt him.
Nice save, Andrea. PS: We remember when you were a young, hungry, giant-killing reporter. But that was a long, long time ago.
Hat Tip: Breitbart
Harry Reid On Illegals: Give Them Whatever They Want
Click here to help Sharron Angle.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Now, 'Lockstep' Joe Sestak Says He's 'Independent'
Congressman Joe Sestak’s new television commercial is laughably titled “Independence,” despite the fact that Joe Sestak has voted nearly 100% of the time with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Joe Sestak supports the entire Obama-Pelosi agenda from the bailouts to the stimulus, the bloated budgets, the cap-and-trade energy tax, and the government-run health care bill, and the only time he criticizes his party is when he thinks these job-killing bills should go further.
The only example of “independence” Congressman Sestak cites in his ad is when he ran against Senator Arlen Specter to further his own political career.
“Throughout this campaign, Congressman Sestak boasts about his sham independence, but he votes in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi on every major policy issue,” Toomey Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik said. “What exactly is ‘independent’ about that? Pat Toomey is surging in the polls because voters are rejecting Joe Sestak and his extreme liberal agenda.”
From a man known principally for standing with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time, it appears that Congressman Sestak may not know what the word “independence” means.
Joe Sestak and Nancy Pelosi: Two peas in a pod:
* The continuation of the Wall Street bailout (RC #27, 01/22/09).
* The auto bailout (RC #690, 12/10/08)
* The stimulus (RC #70, 02/13/09)
* A second stimulus (RC #991, 12/16/09)
* Cash for clunkers (RC #314, 06/09/09) (RC #682, 07/31/10)
* Government-run health care (RC #165, 3/21/10)
* The cap-and-trade energy tax (RC #477, 06/26/09)
* Raising the debt limit to $14.3 trillion (RC #46, 02/04/10)
* The FY 2009 Omnibus bill (RC #86, 02/25/09)
* The FY 2010 Omnibus bill (RC #949, 12/10/09)
* President Obama’s FY 2010 budget (RC #192, 04/02/09)
* Card Check (Thomas.gov, 03/10/09)
* 2007: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 97% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).
* 2008: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 95% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).
* 2009: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).
* 2010: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 94% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).
Congressman Sestak on himself:
* Sestak: “I absolutely do say I’m a progressive” (RJ Harris, WHP 580 AM, 05/14/10).
* Sestak: “I want to be Obama’s strongest ally” (The Valley-News Dispatch, 03/01/10).
* Sestak: “I think that the strength of my beliefs and convictions in democratic principles, which land me on the progressive wing of the Democratic Party” (AlterNet, 06/04/10).
* Sestak: “I'm a Democrat out of core beliefs and core convictions” (MSNBC, 05/18/10).
* Sestak: “I’ll compare my voting record for Democratic principles, any day, any time” (Primary debate, 02/05/10).
* Morning Call: “Sestak said the major difference is that he’s the real Democrat” (Allentown Morning Call, 05/02/10).
* Morning Call: “Sestak ran a TV ad that said: If you have a problem with Joe Sestak's record as the real Democrat go ahead and attack that” (Morning Call, 04/29/10).
* Philadelphia Inquirer: “His [Sestak’s] core message: I'm a real Democrat; Specter is not. You can’t trust him” (Philadelphia Inquirer, 04/11/10).
* The Times-Tribune: “Mr. Sestak said he's the only ‘real Democrat’ in the race’” (The Times-Tribune, 08/05/09).
Joe Sestak supports the entire Obama-Pelosi agenda from the bailouts to the stimulus, the bloated budgets, the cap-and-trade energy tax, and the government-run health care bill, and the only time he criticizes his party is when he thinks these job-killing bills should go further.
The only example of “independence” Congressman Sestak cites in his ad is when he ran against Senator Arlen Specter to further his own political career.
“Throughout this campaign, Congressman Sestak boasts about his sham independence, but he votes in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi on every major policy issue,” Toomey Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik said. “What exactly is ‘independent’ about that? Pat Toomey is surging in the polls because voters are rejecting Joe Sestak and his extreme liberal agenda.”
From a man known principally for standing with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time, it appears that Congressman Sestak may not know what the word “independence” means.
Joe Sestak and Nancy Pelosi: Two peas in a pod:
* The continuation of the Wall Street bailout (RC #27, 01/22/09).
* The auto bailout (RC #690, 12/10/08)
* The stimulus (RC #70, 02/13/09)
* A second stimulus (RC #991, 12/16/09)
* Cash for clunkers (RC #314, 06/09/09) (RC #682, 07/31/10)
* Government-run health care (RC #165, 3/21/10)
* The cap-and-trade energy tax (RC #477, 06/26/09)
* Raising the debt limit to $14.3 trillion (RC #46, 02/04/10)
* The FY 2009 Omnibus bill (RC #86, 02/25/09)
* The FY 2010 Omnibus bill (RC #949, 12/10/09)
* President Obama’s FY 2010 budget (RC #192, 04/02/09)
* Card Check (Thomas.gov, 03/10/09)
* 2007: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 97% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).
* 2008: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 95% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).
* 2009: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).
* 2010: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 94% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).
Congressman Sestak on himself:
* Sestak: “I absolutely do say I’m a progressive” (RJ Harris, WHP 580 AM, 05/14/10).
* Sestak: “I want to be Obama’s strongest ally” (The Valley-News Dispatch, 03/01/10).
* Sestak: “I think that the strength of my beliefs and convictions in democratic principles, which land me on the progressive wing of the Democratic Party” (AlterNet, 06/04/10).
* Sestak: “I'm a Democrat out of core beliefs and core convictions” (MSNBC, 05/18/10).
* Sestak: “I’ll compare my voting record for Democratic principles, any day, any time” (Primary debate, 02/05/10).
* Morning Call: “Sestak said the major difference is that he’s the real Democrat” (Allentown Morning Call, 05/02/10).
* Morning Call: “Sestak ran a TV ad that said: If you have a problem with Joe Sestak's record as the real Democrat go ahead and attack that” (Morning Call, 04/29/10).
* Philadelphia Inquirer: “His [Sestak’s] core message: I'm a real Democrat; Specter is not. You can’t trust him” (Philadelphia Inquirer, 04/11/10).
* The Times-Tribune: “Mr. Sestak said he's the only ‘real Democrat’ in the race’” (The Times-Tribune, 08/05/09).