Sunday, March 10, 2013

One Of These Men Likely To Be The Next Pope

Look at the photos above.
One of the men you see here is likely to be the next Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, the successor to Saint Peter and the man who will lead one billion Catholics throughout the world.
The next pope will be from Italy, or the Philippines or Austria or Ghana or Brazil or Mexico or Hungary or Canada or Argentina or . . . . well, it's that wide open.
Shown from the top are Timothy Dolan (USA), Peter Erdo (Hungary), Sean O'Malley (USA), Gianfranco Ravasi (Italy), Marc Oullet (Canada), Leonardo Sandri (Argentina), Christoph Schoenborn (Austria), Ordilio Pedro Scherer (Brazil),  Peter Turkson (Ghana), Luis Antonio Tagle (Philippines) and Tarcisio Bertone (Italy).
But one of the most mentioned front-runners is this man:

He's Angelo Scola of Italy and he is said to have considerable support.
Now, remember -- each one of these men is a bishop and a cardinal; a prince of the church.
And all will be voting in the conclave which begins on Tuesday behind closed doors in the Sistine Chapel.
To be selected as pope, a cardinal needs the support of two-thirds or the cardinals present and voting -- that means 77 votes.
The leading contenders are said to be Scola, Schoenborn, Erdo, Oullet, Ravasi and possibly Bertone or O'Malley.
Will the cardinals choose a leader from South America or Mexico (Cardinal Rivera Carrera has been mentioned) or someone from Asia (Tagle) or Africa (Turkson) or eastern Europe (Erdo) or will they make a giant leap and choose an American pope?
No one knows.
Here's we are simply presenting the most-mentioned names and identifying the front-runners as we see them.
Stay tuned!

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