Wednesday, October 2, 2013

If This Isn't 'Mean And Heartless,' What Is?

REMEMBER THIS: It wasn't the Republicans who put a fence around the open-air World War II Memorial, blockaded it and prevented veteran members of The Greatest Generation from visiting the memorial. 
That was the work of the Obama Administration and its US Parks Service under the Department of the Interior. 
And, get this: By some accounts, President Obama actually sent more people to close the World War II Memorial (7) then he did to defend our ambassador and his staff in Benghazi (5). You wanna talk mean and heartless? 
It's mean and heartless (and cunning and manipulative) to deprive our veterans of the right to visit their own, public open-air memorial. 
BTW: These open air monuments have never been "closed" during previous government shutdowns.

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