Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Christie's Win 'Sounds Note For Country'

Christie for Governor Chairman William J. Palatucci released the following statement on Governor Christie's reelection victory:

“Governor Christie and thousands of supporters from across New Jersey won a historic victory for our state. In communities across our state - urban, suburban, shore, inland, northern and southern - people came together and affirmed that they are for results, they are for leadership, and they are for government that works as it should. Tonight, New Jersey came together to keep moving New Jersey forward under Governor Christie's leadership.  

“The Governor's convincing win also sounds a note for our entire country - who you elect and how they govern matters. People want leadership, vision, and results, not the dysfunction and partisanship that flows from broken, shortsighted politics. And they will reward leaders who have the strength to deliver it, just as Governor Christie has for New Jersey.

“To the thousands of New Jerseyans who have been with this campaign and volunteered their time, talked to their friends and neighbors, or supported the Governor with their generosity - thank you. It would not have been possible without you."

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